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The Conspiracy: A poet’s Poetic Sojourn

Started by fruyi, 2011-01-26 01:51

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The silence is deafening, anxiety... perspiring. Big wimp can't talk... Could hear my thoughts. Suspended, a statue with pounding heart... Shy Guy! Shy Guy!! Oh please... Don't start!!! Suddenly, a flare of music fills the air... So shocked, it almost took my breath... I'll turn it up, so you could hear... listen, relate, the music plays...

"...I've been doing my own thing; love has finally found a way just having bad timing..."

Oh great, my tape... what time to play. Track two on queue gave me away... I could have stayed... No noise... Delayed. Just maybe "they" would go away. Now dazed, "they" know am in... They stayed. They lay and wait... Trapped in a cage. How true, the lyrics flow in tune... "Oh tell me if you want me to..."

Not you! Read on... You teasing freak. Who knows, mind tricks... may not be real. KNOCK! KNOCK!!... It's REAL!!!... My Gosh... despair. There goes my guts... tiptoe... repel. Can't stand and face this task tonight, just have to fade away and hide. I'll face this war another day... Oh damn, the window's bars... Exhale.

"Who's there"? I growled, composed... With style, pretending all was cool and right. But no reply gave me the fright... Oh dear! Oh dear!!... Tracey tonight? I felt a cold sweat down my spine, towards the door... heart skips and grind. Can't stand this torture anymore... Come on, go on... The Door! The Door!!

Relax, don't shove; my race... Not yours. I carefully opened up the door. My mouth agape, I stare amazed... Alas, Mad Paul... His devious grace! "Gotcha"! "Gotcha"!! He screamed aloud. Breath held so high... Could touch the cloud. How could he toy with me like this? Just can't believe... I fell for it.

"Chill out"! He said... "Care for a drink"? Am crossed... No words... Went for a leak. Hmm... sweet relief... "Mad Paul can kill"... Ok, "On you"! The drinks... A deal. "But first" he said... "Please get my keys... just down the hall... my room... Go quick". "I'll take a leak... I need the ease... right here when done is where we'll meet".

Stump down the hall to get the keys... His sweet red Jeep... Oh what a thrill. We'll cruise and groove the campus breeze. That sure could soothe the way I feel. Barged in, no fuss... the door unlocks. Straight up the table... Grabbed the pouch. Oh gracious scent... a woman's flare... Low and behold... Tracey!!! I froze!

Em, em, I... Ummm... I'm lost for words. Nice one! Mad Paul... Got me for sure. Could hear giggles outside the room... Click! Click!! Paul locks me in... I'm doomed. I turned and smiled... behold... a gem. The one, my love, my dream... I melt. "Relax my dear"... She said... serene. Hey guys... Time out... Free me... Release.

... Personal Inspiration and Motivational Poetry Collection
On to the next episode: " Confessions"


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