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Author Topic: POEM: AKUNGBA MY WOMAN  (Read 1949 times)

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Offline Ohwojevwe Ese Ganiyu

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Just as
Fast as my heat
Has reached
Its peak
Savouring you
With sensuous eyeballs
This time to
Get the thrill
I insert
My money
My phallic strength
Hoping to ignite
Batteries of
Multiple organisms
But yet
You laid there
In your book forest
Another of your pride
I have to over some
And when
The sex play is all over
My multiple laurels..
Then reality knocks
At my do
As I opened
To my convocation
The doctorate mission (in) complete.
Ohwojevwe Ese Ganiyu is a lecturer in Lagos state Polytechnic and Author of Lagos Visa. He has taught in various programmes of Lagos State Polytechnic full time and part time including in annexes of the polytechnic.



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