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Chronicles of Tomiwa; a true story of love, passion and trust

Started by talk2stanton, 2013-04-03 16:08

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I'm Tomiwa (call me Tomi for short). I'm someone you consider to be quiet, well to put it straight, one of those people that are soooo quiet, it annoys most times. I'm that guy. I love a simple, peaceful, easy-going life.

At a tender age, I got pushed around a whole lot. Picture how you always watch back in high school, a nerd-looking boy being pushed around, that seems a perfect picture.

Simply put, got pushed into pornography, tried smoking once but quite didn't end well, had very sexually active friends but didn't get any.

Enough of background information. Though I think it would be needed to rightly help me decide.

I was so moved reading Aby's tale. After reading how her tale affected a lot of people and inspire them to wanna come clean with their story, I knew I needed to write mine.

I've been in a relationship for years; started one cool breezy evening with a lot of butterflies and all. I'm sure most people are used to the normal routine of the goose-bumps and all at starting a relationship.

We were so in love and inseparable; totally into each other and we became an item, together. We spent a lot of time in University together.

2 years down the line and we're still so into each other. I worked in a financial firm (just starting up though) and she just got a job in the city. I was elated she was moving into the same state with me. It would ease the burden of travelling to meet weekly.

Edafe started out her new job and trust the guys in the city, like they had been waiting for her show up in that city. In less than 6 months, she'd gotten so much attention; it was surprising how she'd managed them all. We had a very open relationship so we could speak about anything. We had a lot of fun gisting and analyzing how every guy came up to her and it sure was fun. Hearing so much lame lines, sometimes, I laughed so hard I thought I'd pass out.

Then came Ike and with him came a whole lot in my life.

Ike, a young bank official, married with 2 kids. Ike was doing very well for himself. He kinda had everything going for him. Let me state clearly, I never thought and still don't think Edafe is materialistic (just to clear that bit).

Ike; an outspoken, slightly robust man in his mid-30s. Edafe had gone to the bank he works for some official business and they got talking. Ike was and still a smooth talker (if you know what I mean). He would close late from work and was in the habit of calling Edafe every night. One thing led to another and they exchanged Blackberry pins.

Edafe spoke to me about it and was very clear about it all till I started noticing changes. I would rather not bore you with tales but I presume this might go on a bit. Been piling it all up inside and can't take it anymore.

Though I knew about it, well, call it jealousy or what have you, I simply wasn't comfortable with Ike. I couldn't place my finger around it but I knew something about it wasn't right. I was quick to point to Edafe that Ike was going to ask her for a more amorous relationship. But you can trust a lady, when they seemingly get sweet-talked.

Don't dare say that, Tomi. Ike knows you, he respects me and would never do such a thing......

...............and our conversation went in that line.

It wasn't long after a long day at work that Edafe called to meet with me and hang out like we usually did.

Edafe: Babe, I wouldn't want you to laugh at me but something out of the ordinary happened today. Ike asked me to date him.

I had a smirk on my face and right in my mind, the ever growing thought, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU SO was ringing loudly.

Edafe agreed to handle the case, re-affirmed her love and we were good.

The signs were always there for me though. Every time she came to me, Ike chat box on her blackberry was always cleared. Each time I asked her, she goes, "emmmmm, we don't quite talk like that you know. He only says hi and hello. Since there's nothing there, I always end the chats". I noticed she was a little more careful with her chats after then. She would turn her phones to keep my eyes out. Mistakenly delete chats right before my eyes and seemingly claim not to have or claim to have deleted someone else's chat and a whole lot.

I kept confronting her and she always gave her word.

Then one night out, she left her phone with me on a new chat came in

Ike: Hello babes. How are you doing my dear? You didn't even check on me today.

I looked at it and smiled, let it go and handed her the phone. She sprang to look at me when she noticed I had read the message and immediately said, that's how he checks up on me everyother night, but I don't talk to me all the time. Only when I feel like do I talk to him. I didn't want to make a fuss so I let it go, though stating how much I detested whatever form of friendship they had.

It went on for a while and it all went in cycles. On one occasion, I really can't remember how now but got his phone number from her phone (you bet, it wasn't stored with a name) and once I let that slip, he somehow got wind of it and didn't use that number that much in calling her anymore.

He would seemingly call her and complain about his wife not treating him well. That he never wanted to go home and he simply wanted to stay at work. She on the other hand would try talking him out of it and instructing him home. Then ask him to call back and let her speak to his kids (to be sure he was home).

This also went on and on and Edafe, according to her, didn't see the well hatched plan of Ike.

Then came one evening, Edafe had told me she was going to see a friend beside Ike's office. I was sure she was going to see him as well.

I called at the time I knew she was going to be with him and I was shocked.

My Edafe was doing the mono-syllabic answers with me. I knew better and kept quiet. I confronted her that night and it took her a while to admit it but she said he had run into her (though checking her call list later showed calls to his phone just before claimed to running into him), somewhere along the road!!!! We had a big fight that night and she begged and said she was going to severe communication with him since he was no good.

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