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what to do if someone broke your trust and heart thrice??

Started by loveymiller, 2013-04-10 07:12

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really???  you have a girl friend... right??
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Welcome to Cokoye!


No girl friend, I spend most of my time here in Cokoye and my web service.


how could this possible?? i do not believe it  :o
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I was in one campus one day; I said the same, this same response as you, was what I got from ladies.

On this forum I always open up as there is nothing to hide here. If there is a girl friend wouldn't she know that I'm always here, she should come up here and say it that I'm denying her.

I just wrote this to make a point below:

Where it is on earth that Boy and Girl friend is a standard of a living for youth?
Who make that standard that a man or woman must have girl friend or boy friend?


hmmm!! point to be noted my lord!! i just asked you again and again because almost everyone always had a gf/bf. btw its sound good!!
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Girl friend, boy friend is common thing but busy guy like me yet to find it attractive.
But why calling me your lord?  :) I prefer my name.


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Quote from: loveymiller on 2013-05-07 10:45
awww!! nothing!!! Just Like That :)
Ok, noted at same time smiling.

Back to the topic, has your friend overcome the challenge and pains he is feelings? Did he continue with the girl, what happen?


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That isn't a bad news,  both of them should focus on what is more important in life.
I don't know when girls should stop messing around? ::)


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You have to distract his friend. For example, it is possible to find a new job, a new circle of friends, hobbies. But in general, it will be very difficult.


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