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4 qualities of a keeper: how to recognize a good guy

Started by jchima14, 2014-11-23 12:56

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I have a dear friend who was once vivacious and cheerful. As a teenage girl, she had a promising future. She was beautiful, warm, smart and talented. She dated a lot and was widely admired. She had "the pick of the litter" as far as guys went. In college, she met a charismatic guy who made her laugh. He swept her off her feet and they married.

Soon enough, she found out that Prince Charming was really a sociopath. She stayed with him for the sake of her children and suffered in an unhappy, abusive marriage for many years before leaving.
Marriage is a hugely exciting prospect, but when you're in love with someone, sometimes your emotions can cloud your judgment. Maybe he's a fun guy, but is he worthy to take your hand in marriage? Can you imagine him as the father of your children?

Of course, you don't want to spend your life with "Mr. Blah," but bear in mind the long road ahead. Before committing to the wrong guy, consider the following all-time top four qualities of a keeper. Remember, this is your future we're talking about....

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