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4 Ways To Spot A Big Fat Liar In A Relationship

Started by jchima14, 2014-11-09 11:48

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Just think of what wonders this will do for your relationship!
Being able to lie, and lie well, is a gift. It takes a special brand of psychopath to be able to look into the eye of someone else and lie about something straight to their face, without even skipping a beat. However, even those people who don't have the gift to lie well still lie from time to time. In fact, we hear between 10 and 200 lies every single day. Yikes. But the best part is that once you know what to look for, lies and liars are really easy to spot going forward. Just think of what wonders this will do for your relationship!
Not sure what that means exactly? No worries. Here are the four telltale signs of spotting a liar....


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