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Help me! Help me!! Help me!!!

Started by John Thomas, 2013-05-13 20:38

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John Thomas

Please help me anyone. I love a girl. But i don't know he loves me or not? How can I understand about her mind?

John Thomas


Do you need to understand the girl's mind first, is anything stopping you approaching her? Write more in this direction then, you will get positive reply.

John Thomas

Thanks for replying.
I have tried to know about her mind but I can't understand. Actually she is very clever person.

John Thomas


I understand knowing her mind to mean to know her likes and dislikes, if this is correct, what you need to do is to look for people that know her very well, such her friends, class mates/course mates, siblings, colleagues etc, this people will help you know her likes better.

Also to know type of women she is see post a member made here

Finally to woo or approach her, move down of the post above or click
for an interesting post same member of Cokoye made.   

John Thomas

Wow! Thanks for a lot of information. You are so great, Okoye.

John Thomas


You're welcome, Cokoye is an information hub and open forum where people discuss issues, have fun and learn, feel free to chat around, learn and at the same to time have fun. Enjoy the show!!!
Yeah, let see how you get along with this very girl....


You have to admit it. Be a real man and stop being a coward!

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