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How To Know If A Woman Is Interested Or Just Being Nice

Started by loveandinlove, 2011-01-26 00:50

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Well, who wants to suffer or live below expected standard of living, I think the more comfortable you're as a man the more attractive you will be to ladies.


Quote from: Charlesbcoolng on 2012-07-14 01:24
I am passionate about Africa and willing to make positive impact. Looking for partners to join SATFUN AFRICA. An ngo which advocates childrens education and healthcare

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Confused by the way that girl keeps staring at you? When you want a relationship with someone, it can be difficult to differentiate between flirtation and friendliness. There are a few methods you can try to determine if she is just being nice or interested in something more.


 I know for myself, a lot of times I have NO idea whether a girl I'm talking to face to face is just being friendly or wants to date me.


Sometimes I think she's just being nice but turned out she was kinda interested in me. Other time I think she's interested in me but she was just being nice.


I don't know if anyone has suggested this yet, but how about simply asking a woman if she's interested or just being nice? All the guessing and watching body language seem time consuming and aren't absolute.


Soserene, your point is an interesting one, might be the best but not easy one, because it could be embarrassing to ask a woman who in reality isn't interested in you such question. That is why people want to use psychological means to be certain to some degree before going that line.


Quote from: Christian Okoye on 2013-04-09 22:20
Soserene, your point is an interesting one, might be the best but not easy one, because it could be embarrassing to ask a woman who in reality isn't interested in you such question. That is why people want to use psychological means to be certain to some degree before going that line.

I just joined this forum today so I may have made the mistake of assuming we were talking about adult relationships. From an adult point of view, I don't understand why simply asking is a problem. If you ask and a woman isn't interested in you, so what? We all face rejection at certain times in our lives. And a few women saying they aren't interested in you isn't the end of the world.

Personally, I have chosen not to date men because they simply didn't ask me how I felt. The wanted me  to guess and they would drop me hints....and then when I gave someone else a chance, then they complain and say I should have guessed. How, when I'm not psychic?...I expect a grown man to state his interest and ask me :).

For those men who think watching out for body language and guessing what a woman feels, I respect that. Just doesn't sound like the best way IMO because body language can be interpreted in so many ways as some people's replies here have already shown that.


You should understand that men and women think differently, you as a woman might want a man to just open up, yes that will be ok and favorable to the man only if you're not into relationship already. In an attempt to identify the difference is where observing for character or signs come in.
No man will like to approach a lady only for her to tell you sorry "I'm engage or not interested or I don't like you" this affects men's self esteem that is reason some men will refuse to give up, not because the women is only women on earth but to satisfy or feed back his lost self esteem or self ego. The only men I know that talk to women at will are womanizers because to them is a game.
Discipline and serious minded men don't just do that, they take their time.


all i want here is a true relationship with a sugar mummy :)


Quote from: topinchin on 2013-05-23 13:29
all i want here is a true relationship with a sugar mummy :)
Go to meeting zone and write about your  detail and intention


Every one see in the women a sex relationship for passing the time.



If a woman is interesting in you and wants to love you then she create interesting motions and feels to you that she wants something.


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