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Started by Joseph Oludiya, 2013-04-30 15:49

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Joseph Oludiya


You must first find the right woman before you can strategize or plan to get her. True, there are loads of women out there and finding the right woman may not always be easy, especially in an era when the female gender is typically self - centered and "empowered" to exploit the male population.

You have to however sort for your possible mate among a list of available women. In sorting, seek for compatibility instead of physical appearance. The common error most men make is overlooking compatibility in favour of the physical appearance of the girl.

If you succeed in getting a lady that is attractive, that you are not compatible with, after a short while your relationship will be disastrous. So if you are searching for a serious relationship, a thorough filtering is expected.

The right women are out there, but the right women are becoming scarce in today's world, so if you can find one of them, act fast, because every guy is looking for the right woman. Keep this in mind and keep your eyes open; she'll come your way faster than you expect.

How do you know the right woman?


The Charmer

Charmers are usually snapped out of the dating market so fast, because she is an optimistic woman, comfortable with her life, always bubbly and fun to be around. She is an authentic person without any falsehood in her. She is appreciative, considerate and enjoys your company. If you can find one, you have got a real treasure in your hands so do all you can to get her.

Miss Equality

Miss Equality is a true feminist- not one of the radical man-haters, or the hypocritical pseudo-feminists who think that equality is an equal rights and an equal salary and that a man has to pay for them. This Miss Equality genuinely likes her man, and understands that equality means a 50/50 partnership in the relationship, and is more than willing to shoulder their half of the relationship and dating expenses- just because it is the right thing to do

Miss Best Friend

Miss Best Friend is another joy to be around. She is the kind of woman you are totally in tune with, you like the same things, watch the same TV shows, and enjoy visiting the same places. You can spend five minutes with her and think you have known her for years. She is always on your side, laughs at your jokes, and calls you just to say "hi" because she genuinely misses you. She's great just to hang with. A word of warning, though -- with Miss Best Friend, you have to make your sexual interest known from day one because if she gets it into her head that you are going to be "just friends," it's almost impossible to change her mind.

Miss Frank

Miss Frank knows how to communicate. With Miss Frank, there are no games, no expecting men to be mind readers, no behavior based on ridiculous, female-biased advice from articles in Cosmo or The Rules. Miss Frank will pick up the phone and ask you out. She will do what she says she will do -- not say one thing and do just the opposite. Although she may be blunt at times, at least you'll know where you stand and you'll never have to spend hours trying to decode contradictory or emotion-based female behavior.

Miss Independent

Miss Independent is a good woman to find if you don't have a lot of time to invest in a relationship or you're the type of guy who needs a lot of space. Miss Independent has a real life of her own and is happily going in her own positive direction. She's the type who wants a man in her life, but doesn't need a man in her life. And she certainly isn't looking for men to solve all her problems or blame when things don't go her way.

Miss Faithful

Miss Faithful never cheats on you or constantly be on the lookout for a "better deal." When you go out, she won't be scanning the room for other guys, but will keep her attention focused on you, the man in her life. She's also more apt to stick around if times get tough.

Miss No Pressure

Miss No Pressure has no hidden agenda about forcing your hand in marriage. She's happy just to be with you. So you don't get any, "Where is our relationship going?", or hint-dropping about the future or window-shopping at the jewelry store. She may want to get married at some point, but she's in no hurry -- she thinks that if it happens, it will just happen naturally.

Miss Secure

Miss Secure accepts herself as she is and is comfortable with her good points, as well as her bad. And she feels the same about you. Miss Secure doesn't need constant attention to shore up a sagging ego, has tons of self-esteem, and is always going in her own positive direction.

Miss Personality

Miss Personality is a great find. She might not be up for first prize in a beauty contest (although she could be), but her intelligence, wit and sparkling presence just light up the room, and she draws people like a magnet. Her personality is so charming that it easily overcomes any deficiencies she might have in the looks department, just because she's so great to be with.

Miss Low Maintenance

The rarest of the rare, Miss Low Maintenance is the most atypical of modern women. She really doesn't care about how much money you have -- she just likes you for yourself and not for what she can take from you. She's likely to be a true feminist, and will gladly pay her share of the dating expenses. If you can find Miss Low Maintenance, hang on to her for dear life!

Joseph Oludiya


I have seen The Charmer, have known The Miss Equality (She is a radio presenter in NigeriaInfo FM her name is Matse), have related once with The Miss Frank.
You have interesting tips here about these categories of women, but didn't tell us how to woo them as your title suggests.

Joseph Oludiya


You probably have a woman in mind that you want to woo or maybe you don't and you just bump into a woman and you were instantly attracted to her , the first thing you would want to do is to have a conversation with her. I have noticed that most men find it difficult to approach a woman and initiate conversations with them.

Initiating conversation with a woman is a big challenge for most men, some are unsure of how to do this in a respectful manner without sounding rude to the woman; some can hold their own once the ball starts rolling; some cannot converse with a woman at all because they are too shy or timid while some find it hard to communicate at a casual level with other people (men and women inclusive) but   feel very comfortable talking about topics such as football, politics, science, religion etc.

The most important thing to keep in mind when approaching a woman  is that first impressions are priceless and are established within the first three seconds after you introduce yourself. This means that there is no room for error and you should also know that chatting up a lady is not like in the movies where you can just walk up to a girl and drop some cheesy one liner: then they are in your bed the next morning.

Don't use pickup lines because they make the lady feel cheap and it destroys conversation. It's hard to think of what to say afterward. Instead, start with innocent small talk, and you will have a base to build an interesting conversation on.

A trick that never fails to work, is to focus all your attention and energy of the creature before you and behave as if nothing else exists in the world. Focus on what the woman needs and not what you need. For instance women are a creature of drama, and will prefer a soap opera to a sport game.

Women sense and are turned off by insecurity, so make sure you look and act confident. Groom, dress, move, and pursue like a man who is secure with women and with himself. Be yourself don't fake it.

Start by first talking and later making friends with the person you think is special. Most people don't like to jump straight into a relationship, especially girls. Find a reason to talk to the person. Make sure that they want to talk to you. Just talk about something that keeps the conversation going.

Be yourself and don't lie just to get to a special person's heart. If they find out later and you're in the middle of a deep relationship or maybe a time when you really need that person, they will leave for good. Let the person know that you like them. Beyond the cheesy sending a note through a friend, talk to them about something you both have in common.

If you are meeting the woman for the first time strike a conversation with her and let her know that you admire her and would want to know her better, introduce yourself and ask her for her name and number, if she is interested in you she would ask for your number, if she doesn't don't despair she might be the shy type or the type that believes it is a man's duty to do the chasing.

Tell her that you would call her but don't tell when. Make sure you call her as promised her and ask her for a date. If after the first date two dates what you expected was not what you got or you find out she is not the kind of woman you would want to have a permanent relationship with. Let her know that you could just be friends or break it off don't toy with her feelings. Because if you go on a date with a woman more than twice, she concludes that you are having a permanent relationship with her.

If you have known her for long, maybe you have been friends for sometime and you just realize that you want more than friendship, let her know the level you want your friendship to get to. Don't nurse your feelings for her in secret or assume that she wants the same thing. She might be romantically involved with somebody already or she might not want more than friendship with you.

Probably she wants you too but does not want to cross the boundary of friendship. Talk with her, tell her how you feel. Act fast before someone beats you to it.

Joseph Oludiya


The question is does this apply to all ladies? But there're important points to note in your posts among which are:

-First impressions are priceless and are established within the first three seconds after you introduce yourself.
-Focus all your attention and energy of the creature before you and behave as if nothing else exists in the world.
-Start by first talking and later making friends with the person you think is special. Most people don't like to jump straight into a relationship, especially girls

But I disagree with you in angle of telling her how you admire her, there should be an exception here, unless one is talking to a lady that is above 30 years and mentally mature, otherwise this will make her to start feeling like highest paid pop star in the world and starts right away making things difficult for you.


This is a very interesting classification! Thank you!  ;D


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