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Is this Love?

Started by idum, 2013-04-12 11:39

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Is this love? ::) I don't think this can be called love, but you have to know that what Mr. A calls love might be different from what Mr. B calls love. We all have different interpretation of love.
The guy and the girl appear to set in for something. 


its  not love, better call it physical attraction and its just a sexual thing not love!!
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Love has been misinterpreted and mis-presented in different quarters.
To the point that having sexual intercourse is tagged making love these days. (May be in an attempt to avoid some certain word)
So going by this context, I think the scenario above might be qualified to call love. 


lol!! yeah!!! you are right,, call it love!!!
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Welcome to Cokoye!


No lovey, isn't me, is what the society calls the scenerio.  This kind of Love isn't uncommon in our society.


Completely agree with you. all new teen call it love and feel it much important in life!!
Welcome to Cokoye!


That is why they get their self esteem and worth damaged at the end. Heart broken and confusion set in.


and after so many broke up and all they still need some one who love them.  well say it habitability of some one.
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It happen because some girls or ladies after watchinmg some fake lifes celebraties live they think that is really at the end they simply be hurt.
It happens when people are misguilded or misinform.


true saying!! these movies and all misguide them
Welcome to Cokoye!


How do you know? Is it possible to learn from the photo? ???


Quote from: eking on 2013-09-24 06:42
How do you know? Is it possible to learn from the photo? ???
What did you learn from the picture?


Love is a different feelings. Actually I don't know this perfect definition. But i'm sure this is not love for you. It only stays on outside, such as beautiful face or lovely dresses:'( :'( :'(


Touching is never love, but you can call it fun anyway that will be much better than the word Love


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