bo Sagittarius men - love and relationships?
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Author Topic: Sagittarius men - love and relationships?  (Read 1745 times)

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Offline shamimh3732

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I used to be crazy about a Sagittarius guy. I am a relationship oriented Scorpio though, so it didn't really work out. He was so charming, blushed when around me, and had the sweetest demeanor, I believed he was head over heels for me. He behaved like he was too, for awhile. I initiated contact at first to let him know that I was slightly interested after he flirted with me numerous times for over a year. Then we started talking regularly, one time staying up 'til 3 am on the phone. I was VERY careful not to overstep my boundaries, to keep things friendly and not to scare him away. Unfortunately, my birthday came around and I called him up and reminded him. He was mad. He called me later and ended our correspondence, saying that I was looking for something he wasn't. I was looking for a guy to always be around, to be my boyfriend, and he simply was not going to ever be that. We still speak sometimes, and he still hasn't had a serious girlfriend. Sagittariuses are free spirits and just a warning, are incredibly difficult to get to commit.


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