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SEX!!! Who Enjoys It More? Man or Woman?

Started by diranfbi, 2013-11-15 11:20

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Physiologically, a woman has more sensitive sexual areas than men and can have multiple organisms; also, they don't have refractory periods (the time needed to rest between orgasms) so can have many more orgasms than men. HOWEVER, it is the clitoris that is sensitive for women, so while stimulation of the clitoris will make a women feel pleasure, the actual act of sex itself isn't really that pleasurable for a women unless there is clitoral stimulation at the same time.

Thus, MEN THEORETICALLY SHOULD ENJOY ACTUAL INTERCOURSE MORE, whereas oral stimulation of the clitoris can be much more pleasurable for a woman than the same type of stimulation (oral) on a man's penis

This debate has come a long way. I thought it wise to bring it up at this juncture to re-evaluate people's opinion about sex and its participants.

"Modupe Adedeji" had this to say some years back.



I think is varies from person to person, Sex enjoyment isn't gender thing. But some people might argue is a man, I disagree.


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