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Author Topic: What is YAWA?  (Read 1133 times)

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What is YAWA?
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What is YAWA?
YAWA is when u give a beautiful girl a lift
and she faints in your car. ????????????????. You take her to the hospital
and when you get there, the doctor says she's
pregnant and congratulates you that you are going to be father very soon.????????????????????????????????. You then shout that
you are not the father and the girl says you are the
Things are now getting YAWAFUL.
You require a DNA test to prove you are
not the father. ????????????????????????????????????. Things are now getting YAWASTIC when
the doctor comes with the result saying you can not
be a father because you are infertile. ????????????????. You are
relieved, but on your way home you
you are married with three kids at home!... Now you are extremely YAWACIOUS.
Now, you begin to ask yourself who is the
father of those kids...????????????????????????????????. You get home to find out that the
gateman is their real father. ????????????????????????????????????. You are now
U decided to travel home to complain to ur mother about the latest development.. And ur Mum with tears
running down her cheeks tells u,my son..
I'm so sowie... Ur Dad ain't really ur Dad...
Then u know that things are now YAWASTICATED .  Wishing you a YAWA-FREE weekend in advance
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What is YAWA?
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