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why many thinks women can't be trusted?

Started by Brighton, 2021-06-28 21:02

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So, I got this in an email...what do you think? :  men say that women are hard to understand right? Women say, men never understand them right?  But when we ask them what's wrong, instead of saying what's wrong, they say nothing, then get mad when you accept nothing for the answer...  which means, they want you to figure them out. Yet they are being difficult, making it harder for you to figure them out...  then when you give up, they claim you weren't worth the time... huh?  Why would you trust something that  1) doesn't know what it wants (emotionally unbalanced by default) 2)doesn't want to be understood?   Exactly you don't...  women like to be difficult... So, they are not to be trusted



Women are complex to understand, they are not often saying what they want, and this makes it difficult as a man to know what exactly to do. So i think women can't be trusted mostly if something requires urgent action and accuracy.


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Quote from: adeline0105 on 2021-07-15 07:28
We are a group of professional writers, aim to serve you with the best and value-added writing work. Your satisfaction is our first priority and that's why we are the first choice of professionals and students. We make sure every step to be perfect for your satisfaction. Visit our site and get the quality work at ideal rates.

Thank you, now this is became much so clear for me!


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