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Words Can Create Hope Or Despair - What Is Your Tone?

Started by enomakos, 2010-09-18 15:20

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As I read and write more, I become more aware of WORDS and how they are used and in what context. I have been asked to review several manuscripts lately and in doing so I find myself re-reading certain paragraphs and attempting to arrive at a deeper understanding of what the writer is trying to get across, what is his or her message hidden deep within the context of the 80,000 words I have just read.

Then, I go on to Facebook and read the most recent news wire going across my screen and I assume that often people do not review what they have just written before they hit the post button, but I can't help but wonder if they realize the importance of the words they have just written and how their words may affect someone else, for the positive or the negative. Yes, we all have issues that we are more sensitive to than others, but words convey our deepest feelings, words can change the direction of history, words can heal or hurt, words can lead you to hope or to despair.

Do you think before you speak or write or do you just let the words flow without giving any thought to them? As I was thinking about writing this article today someone sent me an email which I am sure many of you have seen and it said this:

Three things that never come back:
1. Time
2. Words and
3. Opportunity

Words, that's right, once spoken or written, they cannot be taken back.

Then, I had a conversation with my friend and colleague, Terry Gorski and was sharing with him about writing my article about words today and of course, our discussion led to the word 'addiction.' I shared with him my feelings about how that word is being used so frequently that it no longer really holds any meaning and this was his response. "The word addiction has become a meaningless garbage can word. It is taking on the Saturday Night Live connotation. The common usage to be addicted simply means to do something more than once." I agreed and said that if I was an addict in recovery I would be quite upset because the way the word is being used really reduces the true meaning and depth of despair that someone active in addiction goes through.

If you have ever had a loved one in the throes of active addiction or detox you would think twice before using the words addict, addiction or addictive behavior.

So, today I would like to share three things with you and that is, first of all, I want to bring to your awareness that you think before you speak or write these words (addict, addiction and addictive behavior), secondly, I want to encourage you to take this seriously and use these words giving them the greatest respect to those who are in recovery or active in addiction and thirdly, I want to educate you about the importance of using words through the following quote:

"Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your DESTINY." -Frank Outlaw

Trina Hayes
Author/Reader, Speaker/Listener, Teacher/Student


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