bo 5 SHOCKING secrets of Bobrisky (photos, video)
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Author Topic: 5 SHOCKING secrets of Bobrisky (photos, video)  (Read 1408 times)

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Everyone has got a secret they won’t like people to find out. While some are pleasant secrets that are hidden to create an air of mystery, others are terrible that can mar a person’s reputation upon discovery.

Nigerian cross dresser has more to his appearance than what he shows the public. Bobrisky has grown overnight as an internet sensation, having over 90,000 views on snapchat daily, the bleaching cream experts has some secrets that his fans will be surprised to know.
Here are five shocking secrets of Bobrisky

1. He might be gay

Bobriskt stylishy posing

The question everyone is asking is if Bobrisky gay? He is done a good job concealing his sexual orientation to his fans but consistently displaying signs he might be gay. He appears like one, always ringing praises of his boyfriend/SUGAR DADDY, doesn’t have a girlfriend or talk about girls in a way a straight guy would.

2. He used to be black boy

Bobrisky before and after

Many people don’t know the real Idris before the bob whitening cream and fame was just a black Nigerian guy. His new skin and style only just surfaced and somehow has taken over the internet.

3. He’s made enemies

The cross dresser might have just stepped on the wrong toes, with recent threat videos circulating the internet. He has been warned not to step foot in Warri, Delta state as a gang are waiting in place to beat him up.

4. Local transition

Bobrisky transition

Bobrisky has gone through local transitioning. In the absence of surgery in a country like Nigeria, once you appear feminine with your mode of dressing, you are categorized as and treated like one.

5. He is two-mouthed

Bobrisky in an interview

With Bobrisky it’s like two people saying different things. The now-famous cross dresser says one thing on his snapchat videos and another on a recent interview with Adesuwa Onyenokwe. Okuneye Idris as he was named by his parents mentioned to his snap chat followers that he is a dating a man. He also says phrases that suggest he might have a sexual relationship with this boyfriend of his; “I will do bae this night.” He then turns around to deny his claims, saying he is not gay and he is a big supporter of the anti-gay rule in Nigeria.

See Descriptive Pictures Here:

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Awesome and Thanks for shaing.
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