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Started by naijacgi, 2013-01-23 13:22

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unknown upcoming stars hitting the screen hav led
out tremendious effort waddling the industry. with few
more eghe to cut to go, this stars soon to rock on glory are
now featuring on more and more videos to keep the 2013
vision of best awaiting awards.

Grace Isaach
uche enkwe
austine okonyia

for demo release
google > abuja film final


In recent years Nigeria actors and actress have been doing well and progressing. What do you think could be the reason even though they complain about lack of support by the Nigeria government?


alot has contibute to this, sometimes u get bored
acting almost thesame concept a hole year with no good
storylines, directors and upcoming to stear chanllanges.

producers also contribute, after acting for along time
knowin they hav this talent, the producers do not offer
a competing job against HOLYWOOD. this is to why many do not want to waist any more time, they dont bother to recheck thier reharsers. they just act, some offer to acting with HOLYWOOD the NOLYWOOD.

apart from this, naturial cospiracies and underground
trobles smalls around. killing the gaint film making industry.

i belive with newer sponsors and investors would help gear up the guild. introducing advance tech and storylines to boost by intreast.

not to mention but few. i guess theres more



off course , Nollywood is likely to be facing challenges just like any other industry, but I belief that Nigeria movie industry is getting things right. Many producers and marketers of Nigeria movies I know  and have interacted with one on one are doing great in their lives. Nigeria movie industry has gone beyond infantry and making stake holders rich.


maybe u are right, they have no casual problems that should affect public matters. i've read most interviews with some great stars too, mayby you should read one of emake ike' s  interview about the industry bein hijack bu foreigners, that i belive would give u a differ turn out.

check tv/movies for the interview.



My concern isn't who is there or challenges Nigeria movie industry is facing but it's progress compare to what Nigeria movie use to be 15 years back. Nigeria movies breakthrough in international scene worth celebrating.  


yea it had a breakthru, infact i consider myself as part of it.
am an upcomin 3D realist. u may gav come across my demos


alot of progress is  on now. development and all dat.
if fact movies are bein produced in large sectors all round
theres more to it.


For the sake of those who are not in the movie industry what is the meaning of "3D realist", what they do and their relevance to the Nigeria movie industry?

Also it will also good to post pictures of these TOP UPCOMING STARS:
Grace Isaach
uche enkwe
austine okonyia


sure, i 'll post by tomorro


Yeah, post those Nigeria up coming stars pictures here and let see how it goes.

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