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What is your favorite movie?

Started by asiatc, 2011-07-06 17:20

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I used to think that titanic was my favourite movie before I started watching films 'made in Nollywood'. they just resonate with me, they speak to me and to whom I am. Now the trouble is, I don't have a single Nollywood movie that I like most. I tend to like a lot of them really. I only become a bit tense when they start showing sex scenes, because sex is/was never something that Africans talk about or show in public. Am I wrong on this... maybe.
one day soon, I will tell you why I get up every morning or afternoon, and why I am here.


one day soon, I will tell you why I get up every morning or afternoon, and why I am here.


Quote from: Dqueen on 2012-07-02 01:25
I used to think that titanic was my favourite movie before I started watching films 'made in Nollywood'. they just resonate with me, they speak to me and to whom I am. Now the trouble is, I don't have a single Nollywood movie that I like most. I tend to like a lot of them really. I only become a bit tense when they start showing sex scenes, because sex is/was never something that Africans talk about or show in public. Am I wrong on this... maybe.
Showing sex in public is what they copy from Hollywood, is really align to Afrrica's culture.



Yes, I do give attention to Africa's movies is just they are so many of them that one can't just recall.
But one stand out in my mind now-Sharon Stone.
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My Best Film ever would be 'The Lion King', so many memories are attached with this film, the most influential film

of my life.


The Lion King, I think I have head of it but yet to watch the film.
Does it involve killing as I dislike such films?



Baby Police! Best movie ever. ;D
Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


"Baby Police!" That sounds like comedy movie, is it?


Yes. It is an older Nigerian movie. It is very funny. YouTube it.
Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Yes, I remember coming across such movie, is acted by Akin and pawpaw? I can't really remember.


Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Oh! it is really a funny one, because I use to buy comedy related movies as that is my favorite.
It seems that Akin and paw paw these days have moved away a bit from making comedy movies ?


The Nigerian movies are hard to find here in U.S. I think many people would enjoy them if they knew of them.
Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Marketers and producers of Nigeria movies seem to have distribution problem, only if the could do something about it. Nigeria, also Ghana movies sell across the world.
But how serious did Africans in US demand the Nigeria movies?


My favorite would be the one I just released called Reward. You can go to this website to watch it
The trailer is on Youtube:

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