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Wande Coal is better off without Don Jazzy

Started by diranfbi, 2013-11-15 11:57

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News came up last week about a dispute between don jazzy and Wande coal. It was started by don jazzy accusing Wande coal of "stealing" his song (Baby Face).
This accusations led to different shots from both parties with Wande coal accusing don jazzy of being against his success, as shots were fired back and forth.

This is another public separation involving don jazzy in recent times who seems to enjoy using twitter to air his grievances. Just like the Mohits separation that occurred not to long ago. Looking at both issues in my opinion while don jazzy is a super producer he does not seem to be a good leader, looking at the way he handled the both separation issues with him making it public concerning Wande Coal.
Wande coal's career was stalling at Mohits and he was been left behind by people who met him in the game.
with his talent Wande should be higher than where he is and one album in ten years show just how stagnant his career was under don jazzy.
He had to move on and doing so seems to be paying dividends already with his recent Glo endorsement.
Lets see what the future holds for both Wande and don jazzy but its looking good for Wande at the moment



If  Wande Coal is a super star he doesn't need anybody to get to where he wants to be instead his is being needed.

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