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How SEO and Blogs can help boost real estate sales

Started by Perfect, 2011-11-24 11:17

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 Real estate is big business. It goes without saying. Not only online but offline as well. Many real estate agencies do not use the Internet to their advantage. Yes, having a website is great. You can have people navigate real estate listings,  buying a home or renting an apartment through strategic blogging and seo.

Property, being an industry of billions of dollars, it can be difficult to optimize to be at the top because of fierce competition.

A real estate agency can increase traffic to its website by concentrating Search engine optimization efforts to a specific geographic area. Doing so will help to establish a presence on the area while eliminating the need to compete on the basis of general contents, or all agents all over the globe. A blog is a great way to start achieving results by sticking to the right formula. The idea behind a blog is that you can create optimized content for your potential customers that are useful and bring them to your site. Simply include keywords and phrases related geographically to the content. For example, if you have apartment listings in Lagos Nigeria, publish a good blog could be "What to look for when shopping for apartment in Lagos Nigeria." One could speak of what a tenant should look for when buying an apartment in Lagos Nigeria, the need for renters insurance in Lagos Nigeria, Lagos Nigeria expensive areas, etc. .. Try to keep the content fresh and interesting to read. Remember, people may come across your article on a search engine and therefore decide to visit your website and use your services. This is where SEO comes in; ensuring that all the contents are well optimized is well to go.

One thing that has made blog a valuable tool is RSS. RSS lets us know about an information as soon as it happens. How does this help a real estate agent? Let's say I'm looking for an apartment. You may not have the time to check your site every few hours for updated listings. If I have a "my yahoo page," my MSN or any RSS reader set up, I would know instantly that a list became available.
With RSS, you will not have to worry about spam filters blocking your email. It is beneficial for both clients and agents.

The point is to stand out from the competition. Creating a blog using RSS  and optimizing for SEO are two ways you can achieve boost your search engine ranking. Also, try to set a goal of becoming the most valuable resource agent for real estate in your area, and  market/niche.
Whether buying or renting, people need a place to go for information. If you can provide, you will have a lot of traffic and customers coming to you.


Well truly said not only blog is important to attract the customers to know about the presence of different properties in different areas but maintaining a house both from interior and exterior is also very important and for that purpose different home inspectors helps their clients in inspecting all the hidden defects and dangers of house which may cost the money later.


Blog plays a role in promotional angle, of course the owner has to do all the necessary things to make the deal worthwhile  and close the deal.


Most peoples Uses seo to promote their business impressively, that is why it is good to use it to promote real estate business as well. With the help of blogs you can enhance the information about your real estate business easily, so you could  prefer.


There are few industries in the world that quite share as many challenges when it comes to online promotion as the Real Estate one. The busy realtor who struggles to carve up enough time to spend with potential buyers and sellers and still run his business, also has to contend with the demands made by the transition of marketing from traditional to digital.


There is many ways to improve your website by the help of SEO. But i personally suggest you buy google voice numbers, buy instagram accounts, twitter accounts for sale, buy aged facebook accounts and etc to get more and more traffic. By the use of social network, you can earn more traffic and instant. You can try this


Challenge I have  with buying social media accounts is that it seems to go against the terms and conditions of them.


Many people use SEO technic to improve the business as soon as, sometimes if you didn't do good SEO then you lost your business benefits. I have my own website gmail pva accounts. I was used some best SEO trick and all work for me.



Good to know that you have found SEO method that works for your website.
SEO is cheap but takes time to realize some times. But good thing about SEO is that it works and help business both Real estate non real estate business to position themselves online.   


SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization.In the real estate industry optimization efforts focus largely on winning at local SEO. Local SEO strategies rely on area-specific content and pages to increase geographic relevance.
Most people believe in conducting a research before arriving to a conclusive decision. So they jump into google, and type in  the key words. If your real estate business is among the first results, then you are a leap ahead of the crowd, You are likely to get the leads.
SEO help dominate the search results and the market, hence the sales.


you have found SEO method that works for your website


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