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Started by pastor_uche, 2012-08-13 11:14

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One day an instrument of God spoke in 2 kings chapter 7, that within 24 hours the prices of goods will so drop that just anybody can afford so as to end the famine in the land. It looked impossible but it happened. There was an overnight miracle by an encounter with the word. God gave the word and great was the company that published it. God has given yet another word
and I am privileged to be one of God's instrument for the hour. Not by right by God's grace and mercy. What is this WORD? This word is taken from the book of Nahum chapter 1 and verse 9. It says in paraphrase that AFFLICTIONS, DELAYS, HEARTBREAKS, DISAPPOINTMENTS AND DISCOMFORTS SHALL NOT HAPPEN TO YOU A SECOND TIME. May be it has happened countless times but HEAR THIS WORD OF THE LORD. It will not happen another time. That sickness will not show up again, that stagnation will not happen again, that frustration will end permanently. There is something about the word of God, Even if you doubt it, it does not make God a liar. It will still come to pass, that is you will see it happening, but you better believe it so that it can happen to you. The devil cannot stop the potency of God's word. By this time tomorrow, all these things are coming to pass speedily. So believe the word, expect the fulfillment, celebrate the little signs as you begin to see them. Because by the end of today, if you are conscious of this word and you believe it, you will become a testimony. What this world needs is the word of God.

It is my prayer that as you believe the word and take corresponding steps to prove that you believe it, It will happen to you according to the word of the LORD. Be blessed in Jesus name. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 21322745.
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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