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4th night of over flow.

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-07-04 20:34

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4th night of over flow.

NIGHT OF CELEBRATION.(God gave me this ministry because of YOU) 

Blessed are the eyes that see this message and reads it. More blessed are those that shall obey the instructions therein. It shall turn to them for a testimony. Faith is not just in the saying, it is validated in the doing. Tonight has been declared our night of celebration. What are you to celebrate?

You are to celebrate your past expectations that came to pass, yourpresent and future expectations that have not yet manifested. You are to celebrate them in faith as if they had manifested already. Romans 4:20. Faith is calling those things that be not as though they were. You are to make a list of what you are celebrating and dance with it, minimum ten minutes, whether they have happened or not. The truth is this, if you will celebrate them, then they must come to pass. Celebrate in joy, thank God for doing it. Do it before you sleep and when you wake up, you will see the manifestation. 

As a ministry we are celebrating, grace, supplies, wisdom, impact, inspirations, mercies and above all we are celebrating YOU. We are celebrating the fact that God connected you to us, God gave me this ministry because of YOU and we know that it shall not be in vain, we are celebrating our prayer and financial partners, we are celebrating those that share our messages to others, we are celebrating those that reads our messages, we are celebrating yourtestimonies in advance. We believe that they are coming to pass. So please dance, sing, rejoice. What the devil wants to see you do is to complain, but take him by surprise by celebrating. God will surely prepare a table for you even in the presence of your enemies. You are blessed in Jesus name. 

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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