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After the Holy Spirit. The mind is the next most powerful thing.

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-05-28 17:28

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The content of your mind determines the content of your life.

It is important to know that whatever you feed will flourish and develop. If you think and talk problems all the time, you will keep having problems. If you think and talk testimonies. You will keep having testimonies. Isaiah 8:20. If you feed your flesh, then your flesh will flourish, if you feed your spirit, then your spirit will flourish, if you feed your soul then your soul will flourish.
The bible says in Romans 8:6 that for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Please understand that at salvation it is only your spirit that was saved. Your SOUL is being saved(that is still in the process) Philippians 2:12. This is the reason why Holy Ghost filled Christians can still speak in tongues, preach the word and still fornicate, this is why you can be so prayerful and so sinful. Your soul which is made up of your mind, emotion, will and intellect is still in the process of being saved. You need to mind what goes in there. If you feed your mind with negative things then you will see negative things. Work out the salvation of your soul by attending to God's word daily. Romans 12:1-2.

Carnality is not just limited to immorality. There are some people that don't fornicate or commit adultery or practice any form of immorality BUT THEY TALK ABOUT EVERYONE WHO DOES. This is carnal. There are people that don't smoke, drink alcohol, steal but they lie at will. There are good moralists but they are overwhelmed with envy. It is your soul that determines what your body will do. But once your soul begins to take orders from your spirit then your body will always do the right thing because it is your spirit that is saved. So dearly beloved, feed on the word, it is only the word that can feed and renew your mind causing it to be subject to your spirit. The content of your mind determines the content of your life. Proverbs 4:23.

To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Your joy is in the spirit, your peace is in the spirit, your blessing is in the spirit, your creativity is in the spirit BUT If you feed only your spirit and abandon your soul, you can commit the worse kind of sin that you thought you will never fall for even after intense prayers. If you feed your spirit with the word and feed your soul with lust, your body will be moved uncontrollably to commit sin. You need to feed your mind too with the word by meditating and thinking always on it. Receive grace to put the flesh where it belongs by putting the soul and the spirit where they belong. Be blessed in Jesus name.

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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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