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Started by pastor_uche, 2011-03-21 14:46

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To trust God means to look up to God only. Psalms 62:5. To trust God means to stay with God even if what you may be expecting does not seem to be coming to pass. Job 13:15. To trust God means to see Him as the God of all flesh. Jeremiah 32:27. To trust God means not to lean on your own understanding but to commit all your ways to Him. Proverbs 3 vs. 5-6. If you trust God you will seek Him and every other thing will be added to you. Matthew 6:33. God does not need to do anything to gain your trust, saving your soul by sending His only begotten son Jesus Christ to redeem you is more than enough. Because if God can give His only son Jesus Christ, then He can give you anything. Romans 8:32. All God wants you to do is to TRUST HIM. TRUST GOD AND LET ME SEE THE MOUNTAIN THAT WILL STOP YOU, TRUST GOD AND LET ME SEE THE OPPOSITIONS THAT WILL NOT BOW TO GOD. YOU SHALL NOT BE PUT TO SHAME AS YOU TRUST GOD.THERE IS NO SHAME TO THEM THAT TRUST GOD.OMEGA CYBER MINISTRIES. +2348052773865.
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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