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Are you a Christian and still struggling with carnality.

Started by pastor_uche, 2017-08-17 12:42

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Why SOME Christians still fornicate. YOU CANNOT KILL THE FLESH YOU CAN ONLY DENY IT. Are you struggling with carnality as a believer.

If you are a Christian please read this carefully. These are the reasons why some Christians still fornicate and masturbate EVEN AFTER praying.
When you got born again it is only your spirit that got saved, your body and your mind remained the same.
So you need to Renew your mind by Gods word daily and apply it always to put your body under subjection, otherwise you will see yourself doing what you don't want to do. Romans 12 vs. 1 and 2.
Your mind changes gradually with constant renewal, don't let the devil distract you from reading the bible everyday.

You must know that you cannot kill the flesh but you can deny it daily from getting what it likes. Until it submits to the spirit which is the master.
You must keep the right company, evil communication CURRUPTS good manners; it is easier for the world to win you than for you to win them.

Don't allow your mind to be blank at anytime or idle. Practice constant meditation even the Buddhist and Hindus know the power of meditation.
Mind what you look at even if you see a nude photo please do not look back at it again, that is where you ALWAYS slip, LOOKING A SECOND TIME.
Believe that it is only the Blood of Jesus that can help you. So use it EVERY time.
Temptations are real; it is not bad, but you can build a capacity to neutralize it by living the scriptures.
Don't regret your mistake for long because you will go back again stand up and move on, you will not fall again.
Don't try to conquer fornication it is stronger than you, don't resist it flee from it. You can resist the devil but you must flee fornication, run like Joseph did when tempted by potiphars wife. Do not be like Samson that thought physical might can help him with Delilah.

God does not test u with the devils tool, So God cannot lead you into temptation, it was what you use to like when you were still in the world that the devil uses to entice you. You are tempted when you are drawn to your own lust.

It is easier for your past to hunt you but focus your mind more on your future, from the pages of SCRIPTURES.
Do not celebrate the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
Do not be self righteous, see your righteousness as that of God and His mercies, do not condemn your neighbor living in sin.

Know that anytime you sin something in you dies so by the reason of the blood I command every dead thing to rise up, I prophesy your permanent deliverance, no more rising and falling, it is now rising and rising the path of the just is like a shiny light that shines more and more. Proverbs 4 vs. 23 Rejoice.

Finally don't start your day without the word and prayers no matter the haste.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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