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Bad foundation.

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-03-07 14:18

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If the foundation be destroyed or faulty what can the righteous do. Psalm 11:3(paraphrased by me)

There are problems that hardly gets solved, there are delays that continues for long, there are situations that seems not to have an answer; divorce, joblessness, marital relationships that never leads to marriage, money that is owed you never got paid and even the one you may be owing seems not to be payable, academic set-backs, making avoidable mistakes over and over again and never learning from it, if there is anything you have noticed around your life that seems to defy solutions and seems to keep on repeating itself, it is because of a bad foundation.

The foundation is the beginning, what happens in the beginning will always define the end, unless it is corrected or adjusted. Getting a job with a false certificate or wrong information is a bad foundation, lying to who you are in relationship with just to get married on time is a negative foundation, sex before marriage is a negative foundation, pregnancy out of wedlock is a bad foundation, duping and cheating just to get rich quick is a bad foundation, entering a relationship with someone just for the purpose of getting and not for giving is a bad foundation, any business that has lies and deceits at its roots is a negative foundation, bringing someone down so as to go up is a bad foundation, Check the foundation of your day to day decisions and actions, because everything may be going on well now, but when challenges come because they will always do, will you be able to stand, it is only a healthy foundation built on the truth on God's word that will stand. Everybody you see is facing one challenge or the other but some are overcoming theirs sweatlessly because their foundation is strong. Matthew 7:24-28.

That challenge you may be facing may not require prayer and fasting, it may just need a repositioning, a reordering of your steps, a change in your heart, a decision to always have a pure motive and intention. You must decide to start doing things the right way. Foundations can also be speedily corrected through sacrifice. Sacrificing something like some part of your time, energy, money for the kingdom of God is a sure way to end stubborn, reoccurring problems. I see your change already in Jesus Precious name.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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