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Before you get married please read...

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-07-05 09:32

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Before you get married please read...

1.Once you are hooked to the wrong person the battle is over,you may either be managing or patching till you die.If a goat marries a fish,how would they live? or where would they see each other.It is only when the goat comes to the river to drink water that is when they will see briefly as the fish will jump out to greet the goat and swim away.Any marriage where both partners see each other once in a long while is likened to the goat and fish illustration above.Marriage does not make marriage.It is the people in marriage that makes marriage.

2.Compatibility is worked out,of course you may never get a perfect person.But with dedication,knowledge and wisdom compatibility will start building,that is if he or she is the right person.

3.But the major challenge in getting married is choosing the right person.You don't choose a person because he or she is available or eligible.You choose a person because that person is the right person for you.

4.Run away from any man or woman that is easily angered by nature;that is getting angry easily is he or she's lifestyle.It is difficult to change that person.But if someone gets angry by mistake,that person can be corrected but if it is his or her nature,you have to think twice.

5.It is possible to mis-marry.It is possible to be living with the wrong man or woman.John chapter 4:18.It is possible to be dating the wrong person or be in courtship with the wrong person.

6.Once your choice is right then you are on the right track.How can a lion be married to a goat,what now happens when the lion is hungry.Any man that beats his wife is likened to the above illustration.Also any woman that oppresses her husband is also likened to this scenario.

7.There are some people that are highly inflamable,Please do not take a box of matches near them.What this means is that these people's hearts are made of stone,giving them your soft heart in love is a mistake.They will not value it and will take it for granted.When you marry somebody that is highly infammable,do not carry matches into that marriage.Because when fire marries a higher fire,then the result is explosion.

8.Love may be blind to many,but marriage will definitely open their eyes.Love in reality is not blind when you start seeing those unchangeable signs during courtship please keep off.When a man starts cheating on you when dating,it is a sign that he will do much more when he is married to you.He or she may legally begin to cheat on you because he is now married legally to you.

9.Dating is not for outing alone,dating is for knowing,watching and examining. Watch out for negative signs to see if it can be dealt with,if it cannot be dealt with in courtship it may not change in marriage.

10.To get the right person,try to be the right person.Work on yourself,work on your flaws.

11.America and the western world is plagued with divorce today because they marry without paying attention to these facts listed above. They marry without knowing the person they are marrying at least to a large extent.

12.Don't practice divorce before you get married.That is when you are breaking relationship over and over again,your emotion is also affected in the process.Wait for the right person.

13.Don't marry because you cannot enjoy your singlehood.If you are happy being single,then you will be happy being married.

14.Marriage is not an escape from singlehood but marriage is actually a graduation from singlehood.

15.Do not rush into marriage because you are under pressure or if you feeling you are the odd one out.When you are feeling everyone is getting married except you then you are already a wrong person.

In conclusion,consciously pray before making a choice.God will always direct you when you pray a prayer of enquiry before taking even the smallest step. Be blessed in Jesus Name.

A large percentage of this message is taken from one of Pastor Korode Komaiya's Classics of the Master's place Church.

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