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Started by pastor_uche, 2016-03-09 12:09

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It is very important to know that you may choose any profession, you may pursue any career, you may start any business but when it comes to ministry, there must be a call from God. God is always the caller because ministry is His own department. Now every Christian is called to preach the gospel, but there are some who are separated into the MINISTRY of preaching. Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:18-20.

We have five major MINISTERIAL CALLING or MINISTERIAL OFFICES. God calls people into one or some of these; We have the office of an APOSTLE, THE OFFICE OF A PROPHET, THE OFFICE OF AN EVANGELIST, THE OFFICE OF A PASTOR AND THE OFFICE OF A TEACHER. Ephesians 4:11-12. These Offices are to work together for the perfecting of the people of God. They are to complement each other, not to compete or act superior but to complement each other for the sole purpose of advancing the kingdom of God here on earth.

Ministry is not limited to pulpit or church ministering. Not every calling requires a church planting and overseeing. Whether you open a church or pastor under a church it is God that decides. We have people who never opened a church yet, their IMPACT in the world in trans-generational.
So Pulpit ministry is only a form or medium of ministering. There are many formS or mediums.
To make maximum impact in ministry, you must have a CALLING, you must know WHAT MESSAGE that calling is supposed to convey, YOU MUST KNOW WHERE THAT CALLING IS LOCATED AND YOU MUST KNOW THE MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH THAT CALLING IS SUPPOSED TO OPERATE.

Many have the calling but they don't know the message they are to preach, no minister is called to preach the whole bible, you may talk about the whole bible but there must be ONE PECULIAR MESSAGE THAT YOUR CALLING IS KNOWN FOR. It could be salvation and repentance like BILLY GRAHAM, it may be Healing like BENNY HINN, It could be HOLINESS like Pastor E.A Adeboye, it could be Faith like Bishop David Oyedepo Or the great Apostle of Faith; KENNETH. E. HAGIN..IT COULD EVEN BE RELATIONSHIP AND MARITAL AFFAIRS, PROSPERITY, SPIRITUAL MATURITY...AND MANY MORE...

You can preach about all of these as a minister but they should all end up hanging under the umbrella of ONE GREAT MESSAGE. John the Baptist preached the message on repentance and the multitude located him in the wilderness. Look at Jonah, that preached a very illogical, non-theological message that God gave him, and yet he was the first man that preached that even affected animals. He preached the message and the impact was generated.

There is also a location and there is a people God is sending you to. You are not sent to everyone, you are sent to some people. Paul was sent to the gentiles, no wonder He made maximum impact, Peter was sent to the Jews and generated impact. There are some people that are sent to build up BELIEVERS WHILE others are sent to RESCUE AND DELIVER UNBELIEVERS. Some are sent to children while others have a youth or a single ministry.

Finally as I conclude, Whatever message God has given you is the message He will back, confirm and bless. It is that message that will prosper you. Stay with the message, stay in the location and continue with the medium.
For church ministers, one secret for church growth is to preach the message you are given and the people God has sent you to will be attracted to come to you. Church grows on the message and not on the advert or publicity. Publicity will only make sense when you are focused on the message God has given you.
God called me to preach to people that I don't know and may never meet physically February 9th/ 10th 2004. I was still in the university then, how was I to do this? He told me through the internet/ phone, all communication -device mediums. So it is more like a CYBER/MOBILE CHURCH. Ephesians 3:4, Mathew 24:15. I have continued since then and the impact have been tremendous, testimonies of all kind, not because I can preach or write but because I obeyed Him.

There are phases and stages, as you a faithful in one, God opens the next one. So be faithful
A minister must see God as the source of His blessings, financially and other wise. He uses people or systems to bless His servants. So it is wrong to demand money from any of God's people. Tell them to give as they are able not taxing or fixing a particular amount, but let them give to God cheerfully. As a minister you are in God's payroll because every minister is working in the vine yard of God. So whether you receive seeds or not, God is committed to take proper care of His ministers. So be faithful and God will pay through whatever form He chooses. Be blessed in Jesus name.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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