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Started by pastor_uche, 2016-09-02 14:58

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It is possible for someone to love you sincerely and still cheat on you. You cannot assume that because your spouse loves you he or she may not cheat on you. The fundamentals of cheating in relationships have to be fully understood because until understanding is in place, misunderstanding may continue.

Cheating in relationships is not a question of love but a question of contentment, it is a question of satisfaction. A man that is not contented or satisfied with everything about you may still cheat on you even if he loves you and this includes the ladies too.

It is also good to understand that whether it is the man that cheats or the woman that cheats it is the same crime. I say this because we weigh a woman cheating on her man as more grievous than the reverse. They are both the same. They should both be frowned at. For example; the man, a wife is cheating with is also a man and had the mindset of not seeing this as grievous. The bible says do unto others as you will want them to do unto you.

Divorce is not the remedy to infidelity, forgiveness is not the remedy, shouting and fighting will not help the situation. You must call your spouse and ask him or her what went wrong. If it was the devil cast him out, if it is your spouse draw him or her closer and fix things. Don't see the person as a "dog" or as a "swine" something went wrong, you could do same if you are not contented. Like I said the problem is lack of contentment. Your partner is not contented with you, the good news is that there is a solution. The solution is LOVE, love her or him the more, it may hurt and you would want to revenge, but two wrongs cannot make a right. Telling your friends or anyone that cares to listen cannot make things right.

You must keep your own part of the marriage vow and covenant and then God who has the heart of every man will intervene.

Finally beloved, not everybody has the capacity or ability to cheat, people who cheated in their relationships may eventually cheat in marriage because although they are in love but they lack contentment, contentment cannot be bought or assumed it can only come from God. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Be contented with your spouse, do not compare him or her to others. Your own is the best, if she is getting too fat tell her the implications and let her work on herself, marriage in itself is a job. You don't have to be monitoring the person up and down and checking her mails, texts and phone calls.

Are you expecting her or him to cheat on you? In some cases you just have to act as if you don't care if she cheats or not because what you worry about or fear most may happen. Philippians 4:6, Job 2:3. Also make sure your spouse keeps the right kind of friends because he or she could be negatively influenced. Don't stop her from associating but let it be with the right company. If this is happening to you and your relationship or home is undergoing this problem, I pray for peace and restoration of contentment in the name of Jesus Christ.

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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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