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Cheer up.....

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-03-23 08:33

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You slept through the night, but God didn't sleep, He won all your battles. Isaiah 49:24-25; says that even the Lawful captive shall be delivered.... What this means is that whether you deserve that trouble or not, God contended with those contending with you and delivered you. YOU ARE FREE, HOW YOU GOT INTO THAT TROUBLE IS IRRELEVANT, GOD HAS BROUGHT YOU OUT IN HIS INFINITE MERCY. You are totally free. You are completely delivered. 

You are no more in any form of bondage, If you were rejected before in a place where you applied for a job, go back there and take your job. If your proposal to marry that girl was turned down, propose again. If your name was not shortlisted, go and check again. Last night was a special night of turn around for everyone connected to this ministry. Apply again, Try again, see that person again, call again, send an sms again, send a mail again.

The spiritual controls the physical, Once the spiritual atmosphere is clear the physical will clear. What hindered you before is no more there. 

LORD Jesus do for the person reading and receiving this message what no man can do, break protocols, break barriers, break limitations in Jesus precious name. It is very important to know that there is a major difference between reading this message and receiving this message, many people just read our messages as a broadcast or as a post or write-up. Beloved it is not a broadcast nor a post, it is a message from God to you. Receive it like it was God sending it directly to you. 

Many people have gotten their testimonies because they received, not just because they read. You will get your own testimony by this word today. 

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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