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Started by pastor_uche, 2012-10-22 09:43

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Fear is the foremost weapon of the enemy. Fear, no matter how little or insignificant it may appear will always make God helpless and make your enemy powerful. Sicknesses and diseases begin with a symptom and a sign, the reason for the symptom and the sign is to put fear in your heart, mind and spirit so as to make you believe that you are sick when you are not. Always take good care of your body, drink a lot of water, eat fresh fruits, do exercises and believe God for divine health. Exodus 23:25. There is the fear of failure, the fear of never getting your expectations especially when you see others getting theirs. There is the fear of death and the fear of fear itself.
There is also the spirit of fear that makes you to be afraid even when there is no need to fear. Fear has torment, fear sends faith packing. Fear shatters your expectations. Fear can be seen, it is tangible. But Jesus had destroyed the strong hold of fear two thousand years(plus) ago. Whenever you sense fear, know that the devil is at work, YOU MUST SPEAK GOD'S WORD TO IT IMMEDIATELY. 2nd Timothy 1:7. You have not received the spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind. In dealing with fear you must operate in power, walk in love and develop a sound mind. Power is generated through prayer, fasting and living a holy life. Love God, love yourself and love your neighbours, you must hate no one but SIN AND THE DEVIL. Ephesians 6:12. No one is responsible for where you are but the devil, deal with him not the people he uses otherwise you will develop hatred that breeds fear, walk in love. 1st John 4:8. Renew your mind with God's word daily, read inspirational and mind transforming books, be current with relevant information. Fear will no longer torment you in Jesus name, that thing you feel you are afraid of is afraid of you. Once you understand this you will no longer be afraid.

There was a guy that was diagnosed of having HIV, three weeks after the test the signs and symptoms have overwhelmed him, three other hospitals carried out tests on him lateron and discovered that he never had the virus. What brought the signs then? It was fear after he got the first test. When he confirmed that there was a mistake some where, his countenance changed and joy filled his heart, the signs vanished immediately. Beloved no matter what you face or hear, DO NOT BE AFRAID. GOD BE WITH YOU. Luke 18:8, Ephesians 5:27. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 2739F228
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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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