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Started by pastor_uche, 2013-01-30 08:45

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To say there are no challenges is to say there is no air, challenges is as real as the air we breathe, you cannot escape them but you can out smart them and defeat them. THIS IS THE MAIN REASON WHY PEOPLE COMMIT SUICIDE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO. Every body in the world has challenges. The bible says in this world you shall have tribulations but be of good cheer (john 16 vs 33).

Even a new born baby has challenges the moment he is born into the world He has to cry to be attended to, crying all the time when a need arises is a challenge.
Challenges are set backs, set ups, delays, disappointments, hindrances, pains, sicknesses, hunger, rejections, depression and lack of all kinds all to mention but a few.

The only place that is free from challenges is the cemetery or the mortuary. Please understand this ,that everybody you see around you is undergoing one issue or the other. However some are oppressed by their challenges while others conquer theirs. Some come out from every challenge beaten and battered while others come out smiling, shinning and better.

The only way to defeat your challenges is to engage the word of God in action, hereby securing the help of our Lord Jesus Christ. The only help that lasts is the help of God. No man can help you he also has issues.

You cannot handle the troubles confronting you except you go to God in prayers. May be you may say, you have prayed and nothing seems to work, Did you pray in line with scriptures? Every thing on earth to day answers to the Word of God in the Bible because every thing was made by the word of God..
When you have prayed using scriptures as your strong points, you must begin to PRAISE GOD from your heart.
Thereafter you start declaring your victory, start confessing what you want to happen even if you cannot see it, stop complaining to every body around you because your words are seeds.  If you talk defeat you go under if you talk victory you fly higher. PUT WHAT YOU HAVE HEARD TO WORK AND YOU WILL SEE GOD WORK. ONCE YOU CAN REJOICE IN THE MIDST OF CHALLENGES, THEN YOU HAVE SUCCEEDED IN PROVING TO GOD THAT YOU HAVE FAITH, AND FAITH WILL ALWAYS MOVE GOD INTO ACTION. HEBREWS 11:6. BE BLESSED IN JESUS NAME. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 2739F228
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


I wish there shouldn't be any challenge in life, just desire a thing and it will come to past in 1 second, life will be simply be sweeter, but it seems life doesn't work this way. Challenges appear to prepare us ahead of what we will enjoy next. There is an interest post a member made that complement this post here  

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