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DESTINED but delayed

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-05-12 18:20

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DESTINED but delayed

It is possible to be destined and still delayed. Joseph was destined to be the Prime minister of Egypt but he was delayed moving from one obstacle to the other till he finally got to the throne. David was anointed king but only got to the throne after about 15 years. Abraham received a promise for a son but for the next 24 years Isaac was still yet to come until the 25th year when Isaac was born.

You may have a dream like Joseph but still be battling with delays that it may look like your dream is not coming to pass. You may have seen the woman or man of your dreams but there is still no possibility that you are going to get married this year due to certain delays, you may have a wonderful qualification but still cannot find a job, you may have prayed and even have been prayed for but that expectation seems not to be coming to pass.
You can be working very hard but yet no promotion. YOU CAN BE DESTINED BUT STILL DELAYED.
Because God has said something does not mean it will come to pass just like that. A great door and effectual is opened unto you but there are many adversaries. 1st Corinthians 16 vs.9. Knowing that the devil will contend every good thing coming your way is one of the ways for overcoming delays.

The devil knows that as a child of God you already have a glorious, enviable destiny but he does not know how you will get there. It is only God that knows how you will get there because before Him all things are bare. The devil cannot stop your destiny even though he can hinder it and attack it.

The devil does not know the details of your future. He devices crafty means for you to say it to the wrong people so that he can hear and begin to attack. Joseph went through so much opposition because he told his dreams to his brothers at a premature state. Who are you telling your dreams to?  THE ENVY OR JEALOUSY IN THE HEART OF THE PERSON YOU TELL YOUR DREAM TO IS A CHANNEL THROUGH WHICH THE DEVIL CAN ATTACK YOUR DREAM. Someone proposes to you, instead of you to commit it to God, you go about sharing it with friends that really are not friends. I am not saying the devil can stop your good from coming but he can delay it to the point that you may eventually give up. Proverbs 13:12. Make no mistake; the devil is a master strategist. 2nd Corinthians 2:11. But God will always out smart the devil any day, any time.

From the life of Joseph you will discover that although he went through hell he finally fulfilled his destiny. This is not just ordinary. Joseph did certain things that beat the devils plans hands down and converted all his stumbling blocks to stepping stones;

1.Joseph feared the LORD; He was righteous, he refused to sleep with his boss's wife in the person of Potiphar. So God Presence that hates sin was practically with him through his trials.

2.Joseph was joyful: He was thrown into the pit, he was sold to slavery, and he was imprisoned but was declared as the happiest slave no wonder he was always in charge.

3.Joseph was forgiving: Even with all the atrocities committed against him by his brothers, Joseph was ready to forgive them.

4.Joseph engaged his gift of interpretation of dreams: He kept doing what he knew best, he was developing his gifts by using it regularly in preparation for an opportunity. And when Pharaoh finally had a dream it Josephs gift that made a room for him. This was what took him to the palace.

So my brothers and sisters, delay is not denial. The delay you are going through right now is not an indication that your dreams will not come to pass. Hold on and do the four things Joseph did and you will get to the topmost top of your desires. Remember; be careful who you tell your dreams to especially in its early stage.

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In case you are reading this mail and you have not accepted Jesus
Christ as your personal lord and savior, please say this prayer with
me. To Him that is joined to the living there is hope. Say this prayer
to be joined to the living God; Lord Jesus I know that you died for me and on the third day you rose
again, I accept you and I confess that you are lord please come into
my life, and cleanse me from every sin. Thank you Jesus for saving me.
Brothers and sisters you are free rejoice and start going to a bible
believing church.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


This is good to be re-read.

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