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Started by pastor_uche, 2016-02-10 07:37

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Good morning.  When you dream and see yourself in a former school, office or compound or house please know that you need to pray two serious prayer points. The first is to pray against retrogression or backwardness then pray for the wisdom to know what you did wrong at that former place and the revelation of what was done against you in that former place. Pray with Proverbs 4:18 that says the path of the just is like a light that shineth more and more unto a perfect day. God is a God of continuous progress. Every spirit of the former crashes now in Jesus precious name. You are going forward.
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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