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Enough of pleasing the devil its time to please God.

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-03-30 11:16

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Enough of pleasing the devil its time to please God.

You are either pleasing God or pleasing the devil. There is no middle stand, the middle stand is only pleasing the devil ignorantly thinking you may be pleasing God. It is so easy to please the devil, and that is only possible when you are not pleasing God. Just disobey God and you would have made the devil happy. And in these last days, disobedience is the devils stock in trade. Multitudes just disobey the laws of God intentionally. The fear of God is no more in the hearts of most people. The only thing that took Adam and Eve out of the garden was disobedience. Genesis chapter 3.

The sin of disobedience is so costly that 1st Samuel 15:22 say TO OBEY IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE. It was the obedience of Jesus Christ that sorted out and restituted the disobedience of Adam. Are you truly obedient to the instructions of God? To obey some and disobey some is still pleasing the devil.

Everything bad in your life is traceable to disobedience. Marital breakdowns, sicknesses and diseases, lack and want are all connected to one form of disobedience or the other. You cannot prosper without problems if you don't pay your tithe and give offerings. That job you have is to enable you push the kingdom of God forward, it is not just for your consumption or achievement but God will only sustain you and keep you from sorrow if you use your job to please His kingdom. Proverbs 10:22. Is that relationship you are in holy and Godly? Hebrews 13:4.

Psalms 23 vs. 1 says the LORD is my shepherd I shall not want or lack. A shepherd is a leader, if God is truly your leader and you follow his leadings all the way you will never know lack. Listen to this; that problem in your life has its root in DISOBEDIENCE. The root cause is not the devil; the devil is only taking advantage of your disobedience.
It is time to sign up for consistent, continuous obedience to the word of God. To do this, check whatever you do with the acid test of scriptures. If God's word approves of it then go ahead.

Finally, until your obedience is complete your restoration is not in view. Nothing brings restoration than COMPLETE OBEDIENCE TO SCRIPTURES. 2nd Corinthians 10:6.

You cannot obey God by your own power, you need grace to do so and God is the giver of grace. And to contact this grace you must be prayerful. Hebrews 4:16. You must also be a lover of knowledge; you must seek God by studying His word regularly because grace and peace is multiplied by knowledge. 2nd peter 1 vs. 2. Receive grace for continuous, tireless obedience in the name of JESUS CHRIST. YOU ARE GOING FORWARD FROM NOW.BE BLESSED.

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See you next time, until then always know that JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO I.I know you have been blessed by this message to request for other life transforming messages on several issues click on this link  
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In case you are reading this mail and you have not accepted Jesus
Christ as your personal lord and savior, please say this prayer with
me. To Him that is joined to the living there is hope. Say this prayer
to be joined to the living God; Lord Jesus I know that you died for me and on the third day you rose
again, I accept you and I confess that you are lord please come into
my life, and cleanse me from every sin. Thank you Jesus for saving me.
Brothers and sisters you are free rejoice and start going to a bible
believing church.
UCHE OKOCHI+2348052773865

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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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