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Started by pastor_uche, 2012-01-17 12:02

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Unforgiveness or keeping grudge does more harm to you than your offender, let that person go because vengeance belongs to God. You won't be free except you forgive that person and forget. By not forgiving someone no matter the hurt, you are imprisoning your self but when you forgive you immediately punish that person, you may not know but showing your offenders love is heaping hot coals on him or her.

Looking at the teaching of Christ He said forgive your offender for 70 x 7, times, that is 490 times.Matthew 18:21-22. He said this because for you to be counting the number of times a person offends you or keeping records, shows that you have not forgiven the person but waiting to retaliate. If truly you have forgiven someone even if the person offends you 1000 times it will seem as if it is the first time so it  would not amount to 490.

More still, a lot of people forgive but do not understand the forgetting aspect so they have not forgiven that person. Listen to this, forgetting what that person did to you does not signify that you cannot think of it or you would not remember it. Forgive and forget means that even when you remember or think of it you read another perspective to it. That is, instead of getting angry you laugh over it.

Finally God will not forgive you if you do not forgive your neighbors or friends, so watch it, because  you offend God sometimes once in a while or even most times. You are blessed in Jesus Name Amen.Be blessed.OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY.+2348052773865.
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Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


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