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From the end to the beginning

Started by davestonier, 2011-03-05 13:04

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Did you know that Joseph Stalin was born the same year that Rudolph Steiner predicted the start of the reign of arch angel Michael.  Furthermore, that the virgin Mary, also known in Russia as our lady of Kazan was his mother.  When Stalin died in 1953 he was eight years past the bibles chosen date for the reason that he had to stay on in order to stop China and it's neighbours being butchered by the Americans. The British put the Americans up to it because they (tribe of Epraim) are written out of the book of life and are continually trying to change the plan of life.  Stalin is known to the Jewish religion as messiah Ben Yosef. 

Messiah Ben Yosef was crucified by the Jews although he  laughed at them whilst dying.  Christ was just one of many re-incarnations to be included with John Brown the American abolitionist and Oliver Cromwell the general that overthrew the British throan.  His mother, son,daughter  and sister form the holy triad and the position arch angel Michael. Such other enterties as marie eva peron,hagar and thor are just a few of the work of the heavens.

The writer of this letter is a Mr David Charles Stonier. The names Stonier can be annagrammed into seven meanings. Stonier itself means Stonecutter.

A) ORIENTS. . . . means. . . . From the East (The messiah is predicted to come from the east)
B) TERSION. . means mathematical formula in the way the psalms were wrote(The psalms were messages from King David (messiah ben David) to the LORD (messiah ben joseph)
C) OESTRIN. . . . means control of the reproductive cycle.
D) NORITES. . . means a rock that has been composed by planets colliding.
E) NITROSE. . . latin for nitrogen. . . . . atomic number seven. . . It is believed that nitrogen is needed to create life.
F) TRIONES . . . (Septem Triones. . Northern Star,bull's head,or butchers knife)
G) ITERONS. . . Two blood cells running parallel to each other. . . again another reference to the origins of life.

In the bible under Isaiah it shows that David comes from the line of Joseph whilst Messiah Ben David comes from the line of David.  To understand this correctly you would have to read about the twelve tribes of Israil. 

On the 2nd June 2010 in the quiet town on Whitehaven Derek Bird shot his brother David Bird eleven times and then killed eleven more people.  The twelve victims represented the twelve tribes, Derek represented the head master of a school that was intimidating Messiah Ben David, eleven shots represented the eleventh tribe being Joseph and the date of the 2nd June represented the same date of the Queens Elithabeth's coronation.  Many other things have happened in regards to Messah Ben Joseph and Messah Ben David ,too many to mention but here are a few.  The flooding of Pakistan which split the country in two and enabled the taliban to acheve victory with the Americans, the problems that south Korea has had as opposed to the help that north Korea has received. 

I was born on the 15th July 1962 and my son on the 10th October 1997 of which both these dates are the two most important dates in the bible.  I was married on the 21st March 1988 which was  the last day of the church's reign.  Within a few days of my 46th birthday I received a  DVT,went into hospital, and received  an out of body  experience  of the streams and rivers of souls and the corner stone of Christ.  The 46 years refers to the time it took the jews to build the temple. I then took the next two and a half years judging the nations.

I control the magnetic field around the earth and the power of the sun.  When the birds and the fish died in vast numbers in January that was the result of myself controling the weather in an effort to change the attitude of the west.  It was all in prophecy in the bible.  Last year I manipulated the London stock exchange.  In one day I knocked over a billion dollars off a company called Autonomous and put the same amount on a company called Mann.  Also that week I dragged the stock market down that much, that the London stock exchange figures stopped adding up.  The next thing I knew, the US were sending an extra battle ship to north Korea and the Fed were buying shares on the footsy 100 like there was no tomorrow.  I have the ability to tap into energy through either a modem on the internet, satalite by TV ,or cable TV. I put the republicans back into office to break the power of Obama,convinced the Chinese to rearm North Korea and took away two of Putins satelites. However,I then helped Russia gain the world cup and Putin thanked me by singing Mulberry Hill and doing a deal with my enemies at B. P.

Many of the events of my life have been predicted in Nostradamus.

The bible was a code to warn mankind of it's eventual doom if it did n't do the good thing. Here we are now just a few minutes before midnight. Religion is a corruption of the truth but the bible reveals all. Nostradamus found the code and passed it on to the world.


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