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God is showing up.

Started by pastor_uche, 2015-10-30 08:36

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The Three things God will do are; He will prove men wrong, He will prove the devil wrong, then He will prove you wrong in case you have lost hope.

It took God six days to create this world and all that is in it. He won't need more than a day to change your situation. I gladly announce to you from Heaven that your change has come. I come to you today with a prophetic declaration backed by the unction of the Most High God.

That problem is not permitted to last more than 6 days in your life. God rested on the seventh day; you are just about to enter your rest permanently. Something is about to happen, get ready because divine surprises awaits you the next 7 hours, the devil has no power at all, all he has is deception, subtlety. He has succeeded in deceiving many that God is slow. But this is a lie, God is faster than you can imagine, men might have told you that God might not be able to do this one because it is taking long, it's a lie. My bible tells me in the book of Romans chapter 3 vs.4; let God be true and every man a liar. Three things that God will do is that, He will prove men wrong, He will prove the devil wrong, then He will prove you wrong in case you have lost hope.

You are coming out of every pit of despondency and degradation in the name of Jesus. This is your hour of restoration in the name of Jesus, God is about to comfort you, you have cried enough, you have hidden your face enough in shame, you have waited long enough. The vengeance of the Lord is about to hit your enemies, God will prepare a table before you in their midst, WEEP NOT, you are about to be remembered. Fear not, it's just about your turn for a turn around. As I am speaking to you now, God is confirming these words now because He confirms the message of His messenger.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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