The first thing God is saying in the month of May is this; "weep no more; your weeping is over”.
Weeping in your marriages, relationships, pursuits, endeavors, families, jobs, businesses, careers, or ministries is over. What is it that makes people to weep; weeping does not only connote shedding of tears. You can weep and not shed tears but your heart is in pain.
What then is it that makes people to weep?
The most prominent of all is stagnation; when you are on one spot for so long, you don’t seem to go forward and you are not going backward either, you are not moving but still at a spot, years have passed and still no progress.
You suddenly become irrelevant to people because progress makes the heart glad. God is saying to you; “weep not” in this month of May you are marching forward.
Weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning. Halleluyah. Psalm 30 vs. 5. Your morning is not when the day breaks but your morning is when you wake up.
This however brings me to the next thing God is saying; Arise and shine for your light is come...Isaiah chapter 60. God created you to shine; He said you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. I hereby challenge you right now where you are; you are the light of the world not just the light of your family, you are the light of the world not just the light of your company, environment or your school. You are a global star. You are not a biological accident; you are a creature of destiny. You were created by God to be the very best in your respective field.
I see you emerging the best in whatever you are involved in. In whatever field you might be your star in that area is rising this month. But no one shines without light. That scripture said arise, shine for your light is come.
Until light comes you might remain in perpetual obscurity. This light signifies knowledge. And the entrance of Gods word brings light. Psalms 119 vs. 130.As I speak Gods word to you via this mail I see your light breaking forth in the name of Jesus.
What is the 3rd thing God is saying to you this month? ‘I will restore to you the years that was wasted because of mistakes and ignorance.
May be you took one wrong step in the past that has hindered your progress for years God is saying it is over. He is set to restore to you what you lost in the past, this month. And that restoration is starting now. For God to restore, you must first forget the past, so you can see a new thing. Isaiah 43 vs. 19.
God has stepped in and taken over. Whatever you need, God is saying to you to increase your expectation for the month, He will make sure no one fails. It shall come to pass at the end of this month that you will have more than enough to thank God for. So get ready this is a month specially for you.
I prophesy to you;
This week go forward and find your life partner, go forward and get the job of your dreams, in your finances go forward, open that account, stop wasteful expenditures and start investing in the kingdom of God, His work and in humanity. Its time to pay that child’s school fees who has no one to help him, it is time to help the poor around you.
Touch the screen of your computers or the medium through which you are reading this message and declare these words of power.
“This week I am going forward by divine acceleration. The mercy of God is bringing favors my way. No more stagnation, regression, depression and frustration from now. I receive promotion, celebration and I make unbelievable progress in JESUS PRECIOUS Name Amen"
This ministry is involved in spreading the gospel of Jesus through the internet and mobile phones to millions of people across the globe. By the grace of God we are commissioned to ensure that 24 hours everyday the gospel is circulating the internet and mobile phones. To be a partner and beneficiary of this good work monthly you can be involved in 2 ways. The first is that you can refer people to our website
www.omegagospelnetwork.com so that they can be blessed and transformed with our gospel messages by so doing you are also spreading the gospel. The second way to be a partner and beneficiary is through your financial seed monthly. So to give according to what God lays in your heart send us a mail to mail@omegagospelnetwork.com . One thing I know is that this year the blessings of God will visit you daily. Psalms 68 vs. 19.
See you next time, until then always know that JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO I.I know you have been blessed by this message to request for other life transforming messages on several issues click on this link
http://www.omegagospelnetwork.com/messagerequest.php To view our website click on this link
www.omegagospelnetwork.com .To partner with this work click on this link
To talk to Pastor Uche online here is the yahoo id (talktopastorucheonline)
For Skype; (pastor.uch)
For goggle talk/Gmail chat (talktopastoruche)
Follow Pastor Uche on twitter click this link
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http://www.facebook.com/uche.okochiYou can send your testimonies, questions and prayer request to mail@omegagospelnetwork.com
In case you are reading this mail and you have not accepted Jesus
Christ as your personal lord and savior, please say this prayer with
me. To Him that is joined to the living there is hope. Say this prayer
to be joined to the living God; “Lord Jesus I know that you died for me and on the third day you rose
again, I accept you and I confess that you are lord please come into
my life, and cleanse me from every sin. Thank you Jesus for saving me.”
Brothers and sisters you are free rejoice and start going to a bible
believing church.