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How to Covet Spiritual Gifts

Started by emekrus, 2016-08-05 11:00

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"But Covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet I show you A MORE EXCELLENT WAY"---1 Corinthians 12:31

The word covet is from the Greek word zeloo. Meaning- to have warmth of feeling for. In order words, it means to be zealous for something.

God will have us covet these spiritual gifts, in order to be more impactful and effective in our ministration of the Gospel. Because without the manifestation of these gifts, all we'll ever do, will be struggling to persuade people to love God. But with the manifestation of these gifts, people will more easily get edified and convinced, than our carefully crafted, cold sermons.

Now for so many well-meaning individuals, instead of obeying what the word of God says we should do concerning spiritual gifts- earnestly covet them. They have out of ungodly fear and intimidation by cessationists and the rest... resolved to only be opened for whatever God wants to do with them. But the Bible never instructs us to be opened for spiritual gifts to manifest. Instead, the word of God says we should desire the manifestation of these gifts.

Because these folks are inadvertently in disobedience concerning God's counsel for the manifestation of spiritual gifts, they seldom and even never see the manifestation of any of these great spiritual gifts. That are freely available with the Holy Ghost in us.

Hence, the Apostle Paul by the Holy Spirit, admonishes us to covet the best gifts so we can use them to effectively impact others. We should not only focus on how to edify ourselves. We should focus on how to edify others. However, we should also seek those gifts that will edify us as well. Because if we are not edified, we can't edify others (according to Smith Wigglesworth).

The More Excellent Way to Covet Spiritual Gifts

In the book of 1 Corinthians, where we get our opening verse, after the Apostle Paul finished talking about all the spiritual gifts, he encourages us to covet the best gifts. Then in order not to leave us in ignorance of exactly how to covet these gifts, he quickly added; "And yet I show you A MORE EXCELLENT WAY".

Which means there are other ways of coveting these spiritual gifts. But under the influence of the Holy Ghost, he lets us know that among all these ways, there is a more excellent way. What is this excellent way? The answer is found in the next immediate, preceding chapter-1Corinthians 13. Then specifically, he summarizes it in Chapter 14: 1 (1Corinthians 14:1). Here is exactly what he says; "Follow after Charity (Love), and desire (covet) spiritual gifts."
So from that scripture, the Apostle Paul lets us know at a glance, the easiest and the most excellent way to have the best spiritual gifts (such as prophecy) begin to quickly manifest in our lives as we desire. And that single way, is to first follow, or come under or crave for the manifestation of the Love of God in our hearts.

Some weeks ago, as I was teaching on the Love of God, in a topic I titled; "Walking in Love" (in my Home-cell Fellowship); as I taught, the tangible, feel-able manifestation of the Love of God, flooded my heart by the Holy Ghost. Then all of a sudden, one of the best combination of spiritual gifts I have always coveted, started manifesting. Which is tongues and interpretation.

As I taught, as a result of the warm Joy that flooded my heart by the Love of God, I started speaking in other tongues. Then I quickly remembered that as I was teaching, I needed to give the interpretation as well- so my listeners could be edified as the scriptures instructs.

So immediately I finished speaking, I opened my mouth in my most Holy Faith, and the Holy Spirit gave me the interpretation. Then as I spoke more, I kept on giving the interpretation until I started getting cautious not to get into the flesh. And in the process, I quenched the Holy Spirit with my resistance.

But then, as the Lord gave me the wonderful revelation I'm sharing here, I remembered what happened back in the Home-cell. Then I had to ask the Lord to forgive my fleshly unbelief. And since then, I have made up my mind to always yield to the Holy Spirit totally, for the manifestation of any spiritual gift, once that heavenly Love floods my heart.

So there you have it. The more excellent way, is to go for the Love of God. And once the Love of God is there, desire the best spiritual gifts. Such as prophecy and the rest... and most assuredly, Jesus will certainly manifest himself to you by his Holy Spirit in you to the edification of his people.

Hence, he says; "He that has my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that love me: and he that loves me shall be loved of my father, and I will Love him, and will manifest myself to him"—John 14:21.

How Then Does The Love Of God Come?

The answer is very simple. The Love of God is from the Holy Spirit. Hence, the Bible says; the Love of God is shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given unto us—Romans 5:5.

Once this Love is in your heart, oh, you'll certainly Love God. That is why the Bible says again; "Herein do we know that we love God, because he first Loved us" (1John 4:19).

And again, once this Love comes to your heart, you will be able to keep Christ's commandments which are summarized in "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Gal 5:14).  Once this Love floods your heart and you yield to it, oh, you'll even Love your enemies and pray for them as Jesus instructs without much struggle...

Just exactly the same way Jesus did. Even when they crucified him, he said; father, forgive them for they know not what they do unto me" (Luke 23:24).

And less you think this Love is only in Jesus, Stephen also did the same, as they were stoning him to death (Acts 7:60). Where is the source of that supernatural Love exhibited by Stephen? Of Course, it was the Holy Ghost. The Bible says, as he spoke to them, he was full of the Holy Ghost (Acts 7:55).

So you too, as you get filled with the Holy Ghost, this supernatural, divine Love will also flood your heart. And then, as you desire the best gifts at the instance of that heavenly manifestation in your heart, you'll certainly get supernatural results in signs and wonders.

Inside the Love of God lies Faith, Healing, Prophecy, Word of Wisdom and Knowledge, Discernment of spirits, Working of Miracles, Tongues and Interpretation, Patience, E.T.C...

So once again, like the Apostle Paul said, "Follow or come under or crave for charity or the Love of God; and then desire spiritual gifts". The word of God says, it is a more excellent way to covet or desire the manifestation of the best gifts. And of course, all the gifts of God are the best gifts and they are all accessible through Charity or Love.

Remain Blessed!

Emeke Odili
Emeke Odili, Author of "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business".
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Emeke Odili, Author of "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business".
Sample or purchase "Faith Marketing: The Biblical Secrets for Great and Lasting Success in Business"   Blog:

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