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How to live your life as if problems do not exist

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-04-11 08:24

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How to live your life as if problems do not exist

It is true that the world is filled with problems upon problems, troubles on every side. You deal with one today and there is another one staring you in the face tomorrow. Even there are times when problems become so many that you feel like giving up. Even Jesus our Lord and Master said that in this world you will have problems but admonishes us to be JOYFUL. John 16:33.

So to live your life as if there are no problems is to live your life with constant joy. Not the joy due to the circumstance but the JOY of the LORD. I am not talking of happiness here. I am talking of JOY even in the midst of the STORM. Some people cry when going through the storms of life, thinking that tears move God.

Tears do not move God. Tears may move men but not God. And no man can help you except God touches his heart. So God is actually the very present help in times of trouble. Psalm 46:1.

God wants you to have confidence in Him. And Joy is a display of confidence in God. God wants you to have confidence in Him because of a truth He can turn everything and anything around for your good. You do not have confidence in God if you are not JOYFUL. God can do more exceeding than you can ever ask or think. Ephesians 3:20.

Joy is a choice. Joy is not a feeling, you choose to be joyful. If you wait to feel joy you may not always feel so. But you first have to decide to be Joyful no matter what. Pray, but pray with joy. Fast, but fast with joy. Give, but give with Joy because God loves a cheerful giver. Let the joy of the LORD be your way of life and you will live as if problems don't exist. Because God will always be with you to deal with every problem.
The joyful will always have the last laugh, no matter how long it may have taken just be merry in your heart all the day long.

Finally, to be joyful you need to thank God in all things, as you praise God for everything you experience you will discover that the spring of joy will well up inside your heart. Lay up God's word in your heart, let God flood your thoughts, think of God more than you think of the problem and God who is the problem solver will step in to make a way where there seem to be no way. The Joy of the LORD is your heritage, be blessed of the LORD, In Jesus Precious name.

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