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HUMILITY:The highway to Greatness

Started by martina, 2020-07-04 20:51

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HUMILITY:The highway to Greatness

    "Pride takes away GLORY,but humility add to GLORY."

Humility is something mentioned heavily in religious texts,it may seem a little old-fashioned but it's one of the most powerful quality that is wholly necessary in this days for self development, upliftment and wings to ride on to earn respect.

Humility doesn't mean you're foolish, neither does it mean stupidity.
Humility is an asset for self-improvement.
    "God will always resists the proud,but gives more Grace to the humble."

H- honoring God above yourself
U- understanding your need for Grace
M- mourning over your sin
I- ILLUMINATIng God's Glory
L- looking for ways to serve others
I- ignoring pride
T- trusting God's plan over you
Y- yield to advice and correction.

       As a matter of fact,
A person who is not humble does not have a growth mindset,and a person who lack humility will soon perish.
But by humility comes wisdom and honor.
The Christian manual tells us in ;
💫1 Corinthians 8:2
"Let him therefore that thinks he knows anything,let him know that he knows nothing yet as he ought to know."

💫 James 4:6
"God will always resists the proud,but gives more Grace to the humble."

💫 Proverbs 11:2
  "When pride comes,then comes shame,but with the humble is WISDOM."

Men are lifted through men through the wings of humility.
They are height and opportunities you will never attain if you put on the armor of PRIDE.

    "By pride comes destruction,but by humility comes upliftment."
#James 4:10
#1 Peter 5:5,6

How to practice humility
Humility is not what anyone can achieve,it is what to achieve by working it.

It includes:
1?? Be submissive.
2?? Apologize when you are wrong.
3?? Ask for help if needed.
4?? Have strength without boasting.
5?? Help others without boasting.
6?? Admit mistakes and promote understanding of others perspective.
7?? Listen more, talk less.
8?? Never look down on anyone.
9?? Learn from others.
(the biggest way to fail is to believe the wisdom of others is of no value to you).
1??0?? Go for advice.
1??1?? Show appreciation.
1??2?? Say no to PRIDE.
1??3?? Luke 14:10,11.....

"Diligent is not all it takes to be lifted up.
In most cases,men are lifted up by there act of HUMILITY."

#Kill pride before pride kill you.
#Save others from destruction by sharing this write-up with your friends..

Respectfully Your's
Samson  Ishola
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