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Started by Gloria Girl, 2018-07-26 17:14

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Gloria Girl




May I begin by letting the world know that I got my vocation through the instrumentality of Bishop Fasina. He came on Pastoral visit to my town (a controversial one I don't want to mention for now)and preached that 'the harvest is rich and the labourers are few; Allow your children to become Priests and Religious...the Church in ijebu land needs them'. I also like to let you know that I promised obedience to my Bishop and his successors on the day of my diaconate and Priestly Ordination ceremonies. I'm still promising the same till date. However, I like to share these few thoughts as we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday (22nd April, 2018)

The office of the Bishop is the highest of the sacrament of Holy Orders. It also comes with the highest form of service to God, His Church and His people. My Bishop has continued to Shepherd us as he serves to the best of his ability. May God forgive his failings if he has any and be merciful to him in judgement, Amen.

My focus is largely on the reaction of Priests, Religious and Laity when the Bishop is around or scheduled to visit. For Priests, it's always a time to begin a project and get very active even though for a very long while in the Parishes or places of assignment hands have just been left folded doing nothing but complaining. Eventually projects are rushed and not well done, all because we want the Bishop to commission something sha and leave with the impression that we are working. Also, we sign cheques and give them monies we do not have and then complain to fellow Priests after their depature. Do I need my Bishop to come around or schedule a visit before I do my duties as a Priest? Think about it!

For the Religious(Sisters), when the visit of the Bishop is announced, different kinds of flowers and fragrances surface on the sanctuary. They also come to decorate the altar and struggle to prepare the Bishop's food and serve him. These are roles that some reluctantly play in their places of assignment for various reasons though. I thank the EHJ for the Sisters in my parish, they do all these things on a normal day. However, for some religious who are guilty, do you need a Bishop to visit before you give your best at the parishes or the places you are assigned? Think about it.

For the Laity, when the Bishop is scheduled to visit and eventually arrives, their sense of initiative and thoughtfulness are hyper activated. Can we get this for the Bishop? Can we do this for the Bishop? Things they won't think of doing for the Priests working hard among them. Similarly, on the day of the visit, Church collections get very high. Those who normally drop #20 for offering will increase to #100 or #200 as if the Bishop will take the offering away. (On this one, I wish my Bishop visits more so I can get very good offering to live The one that amuses me the most is when the laity bring forth sacramentals that their Priests had blessed before to be 're-blessed' by the Bishop. I just smile and look on.

Dearest, I feel we need to be real as Priests, Religious and Laity. Whatever you can do before the Bishop, do it behind him because the final judgement will be done by God and not the Bishop. You don't need the Bishop before you carry out your duties in the house of God. The Bishop is God representative and supervisor and servant. Let us please God more and even our Bishops will be pleased!
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