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I love you so much & I decided to pray this prayer from the bottom of my heart

Started by martina, 2018-01-12 13:48

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I love you so much;that's why I decided to pray this prayer from the bottom of my heart . Continue to say AMEN until u get tired.

From now till everlasting, I pray with YOU........
You shall be great. ..........,.................................. Amen

You shall be fruitful. .......................................... Amen

You shall be victorious .................................... Amen

You shall be celebrated  ................................... Amen

You shall be successful ................................... Amen

You shall be favored ....................................... Amen

You shall be blessed in abundance .................... .... Amen

You shall be prosperous . ................................. Amen

You shall have joy. ...................................... Amen

You shall have peace beyond limits. ............. Amen

You shall make it .............................,.........,..... Amen

You shall testify.................,.....,.,..................... Amen

You shall be lifted high beyond falling...................... Amen

You shall excel in all that you do........................ ... Amen

You shall be called Wonderful................................. ................ Amen

Where the road is thirsty of flesh and blood, you and your loved ones will not go there. .................................................,............ Amen

The evils that will happen will not know your dwelling place................................................................ Amen

Death messengers will not know your address. ...............
.................... Amen

The miracles in the year shall locate your household.
........,.....,.......... Amen

Your heart desires will not be cut-Short .............................
......,........... Amen

I will not cry because of you. ......,,...............................,......................... Amen

I pray with u, your best picture will not be used for
RIP.............................................................. . Amen

The peace of the Most High God shall locate you and your entire household  .................................................................................. .  ( AMEN)

Send it to 24 important people in ur life,

SATAN:  Hahahaha
JESUS:    Why are you laughing?
SATAN:    You said this child is yours.
JESUS:       Which one?
SATAN:       The one who is reading.
JESUS:           Yes its my child!
SATAN:            Your child can't even send this text to 10 people!
JESUS: See my child is going to send it to 15 people right now!
SATAN: Okay mine will ignore it prove satan wrong as i have done....
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