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I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-08-04 09:51

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Tears roll down my cheeks as I write this;

After my secondary school, the year 2002. I felt so unfulfilled because I had not yet discovered why I am on earth. I did not want to go through life the normal way without making any impact. I saw a lot of people with AMBITIONS. I don't want to join that class, I needed a vision, I needed to discover what I was born to do. Not just what I like to do. Ambition is what you like to do, but vision is discovering what you are born to do.

So I joined a body called FECA, A christian organization of students. While I await admission into the University with a burning desire to discover who I am. Then one faithful day, a man of God by the name; Pastor Emmanuel Erikume preached a message that marked a turning point in my life. HE SAID; "stop asking God to do this or that but rather ask Him what you can do for Him or decide to start doing something for Him" This pierced my very being. You see, nothing changes like the RIGHT WORD.

I left that meeting with a decision to be praying 5 mins every 3 hours for souls and for protection of people against evil. I also decided to be preaching the gospel to whoever talks or approaches me or whosoever I come in contact with.

I was doing this faithfully interceding every 3 hours that is 12 o clock, 3, 6, 9,12 and 3 every day. Until one faithful day, February 9th/10th 2004. God spoke to me audibly for the second time, HE SAID; "NOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PREACHING TO EVERYONE THAT YOU CAN SEE AND KNOW PHYSICALLY, IT IS TIME TO BEGIN TO PREACH TO PEOPLE THAT YOU CANNOT SEE OR KNOW PHYSICALLY. This was the mandate. I have never heard such a thing. So I picked up my bible for God to explain more. And He took me to 3 verses of scriptures. Matthew 24:15, Ephesians 3:4 and Revelations 1:3. These three verses pointed at one thing; the ministry was to be a teaching ministry via writing for people that have not seen me to read. I was in my first year in the university then so I started using the internet as a medium to fulfill this mandate. Just one week later a Muslim by name Waheed got saved. God started backing His word since 2004 with diverse signs and wonders, salvation of souls and unbelievable testimonies. 1st Thessalonians 5:24 says FAITHFUL IS HE THAT CALLETH WHO ALSO WILL DO IT. I eventually became a Pastor in school as part of my training for this mission.

The ministry's impact continue to increase until 2009 when another hard instruction came from God. I was to do the work full-time and not part time as I have been doing. So like Abraham I obeyed not knowing what tomorrow holds but I was confident because I know who knows and owns tomorrow.

Thousands of life transforming messages on all issues have gone out to millions around the world via the internet, mobile phones and communication devices. The ministry is a 24 hour based one, the social media is my pulpit. Mediums like BBM, FACEBOOK, EMAILS, TEXT MESSAGES OR SMS, WHATSAPP, NET ONLINE POSTINGS, LIVE ONLINE EVANGELISM, BLOGS HAVE BEEN GREATLY UTILISED.

The caller(GOD) have been backing me since then. You can order for the book titled ANSWERS, TO SEE ALL OUR PREVIOUS MESSAGES ON ALL ISSUES.

OMEGA GOSPEL NETWORK is a cyber/mobile church that takes the gospel of Jesus Christ to millions daily. Our major goal is reach everyone using a mobile phone with the gospel at least three times daily online or offline. God has been faithful. You will never lack God's faithfulness as this ministry enters the next phase in Jesus precious name.
Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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