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It is just symptoms....

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-11-20 19:08

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THE WORSE THE DEVIL CAN GIVE ARE SIGNS, SYMPTOMS, FEELINGS, THOUGHTS...All just to ignite fear so that he can have his way. BUT...........

Until you believe that sign and symptom, it will never become sickness, until you accept the negative way you are feeling, it will never become real, until you ponder on negative thoughts, they will never come to pass. People fear because of the signs or symptoms they see, they become afraid because of their feelings and their thoughts. Fear has its root in signs, symptoms, feelings and thoughts.

The devil is helpless and powerless without your fear. He is a fear-agent, he acts like a lion(not a real lion just to make you fear) he can cause you to hear news(false or true) so as to distabilise you. But if you will not fear, he will not win. Satan can manipulate dreams so as to scare you. Fear Not, this is what conquers him. Do not be moved by the things you hear or see, feel or think because the devil can make you see,feel or think anything.

Even when fear comes, do not confess it, don't speak your fears, don't close your mouth either. Speak the word. ALWAYS SAY; "GOD HAS NOT GIVEN ME THE SPIRIT OF FEAR, BUT OF POWER, LOVE AND A SOUND MIND". Ignore those reports, it is only the report of God that will stand. His report says you are free, healthy, strong, rich, blessed, protected, perfected. Believe the word and you will become what God says. Fear not believed is fear soon gone, fear not confessed is fear soon gone. Your fear will go now in Jesus name. 2nd Timothy 1:7

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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