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Jesus Christ Is The Son Of God,He Is God Irrespective Of What Muslims Believe

Started by pastor_uche, 2011-07-08 14:17

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The muslims believe that Jesus Christ is only a prophet,they doubt that He is the son of God,they doubt the truth that He is God.But they also believe that He was conceived by a virgin.Now how will a vigin give birth to "just a prophet".Jesus is the son of God.He came through a virgin because He was the son of God and needed to come through a woman so that He would have blood to be shed for the redemption of man.He is God.He was at the beginning with God.That was why God said LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR OWN IMAGE...Genesis 1:26.That "us" is God,the word(Jesus Christ)John 1:1-12,the Holy Spirit.In John 5:7,These three are one, because they all have one purpose.Just as man is tripartite,God the father,Jesus the son and the Holy Ghost are one.No wonder,Jesus said:I and my father are one.John 10:30.Another thing that muslims doubt is that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that He is God.The son of a man is a man,the child of a goat is a goat,the child of a lion is a lion.So also the son of God is God.Jesus is God.If allah was God,then Jesus Christ would have been the only way to get to him.But who they call allah is different from God the creator of the world.They do not believe that Jesus Christ is alive,Jesus Christ is solidly alive making intercession for us in heaven.Romans 8:34.And besides He is still speaks to us.The bible is not a story book or history book.The bible is the living word of God.Jesus is the way,the truth and the life.Christianity is not a religion,it is the reality of the relationship between God and man.BE BLESSED IN JESUS NAME.OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY.+2348052773865.
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