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MAN KNOW THYSELF...The three basic needs of a man.

Started by pastor_uche, 2013-03-04 16:01

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MAN KNOW THYSELF...The three basic needs of a man.

It is important to know that the man is designed to give love. Hence the bible says husband love your wives as Christ loves the church. A man may not necessary need love the way a woman does but he needs something else which to him is greater than love and that is the first primary need of a man which is called RESPECT. This is the need that propels him to show love in an unusual way. Ephesians 5:33.

The first primary need of a man is respect; A man values respect, no matter how much you claim to love him, if you do not respect him then that love is nothing, your respecting him is interpreted as love to him. Please this kind of respect does not mean kneeling down before him or saying SIR! SIR! all the time, this respect is fulfilled when the woman reminds him of his capabilities and help him to maintain his self esteem, to her he should be the richest, the most hard working, the most handsome. She should be proud of her husband not out of duty but as an expression of sincere admiration for the man she has chosen to spend the rest of her life with. A man needs the woman to value his accomplishments no matter how small. Now if a woman meets this primary need of a man the man will do anything just to love and please her, it will help the man to even work harder. Don't you know that a man telling a man that he tried will make only a little impact, but when a woman tells a man that he tried then that man's ego is boosted.

The second primary need of a man is recreational companionship; Where the woman needs conversation the man needs recreational companionship. The man needs the woman to watch football or any other games with him sometimes. He wants the woman to share his sporting and recreational ideas, if he like computers, he wants the woman to like it too. Now the woman may not really like it but if you can just show him that you like it a little, show him that you like the games he likes or the things he likes to do in his leisure time. If you don't like his sporting activities or recreational activities, any girl that likes it may win his heart a little.

The third need of a man is sex; Please note that this is for the married. Where the woman needs affection, a man needs sex. He needs it because he is principally a driver, he is always ready, he likes the event of sex, while the woman is more interested in the environment, like romance, hugs, holds, touch and kisses. The man must learn to meet the need of his wife by satisfying her romance appetite then she will offer him the best sex ever. Husbands please don't think your wife reacts to sex the way you do, she reacts differently so take out time to show her enough affection first, through texts, calls, gifts, hugs, kisses. Please note that these are only primary needs. OMEGA CYBER MINISTRY. +2348052773865. BB PIN IS 2739F228
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