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Mistake, now miracle

Started by pastor_uche, 2016-10-07 11:26

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One day, Esau the brother of Jacob was coming with 400 men to execute vengeance upon Jacob for all that Jacob had caused him. But God stepped in. God is stepping in for you today. Jacob deserved it; I mean He has cheated Esau in the time passed but mercy spoke for Him. I don't know what you did wrong or the mistake you made. But that mistake is turning to a miracle. The bible says in Romans 8 vs. 28, and we know that all things work together for Good to them that Love God.

It might be a mistake but it is turning to a miracle. I don't have much to say this week but this one thing I know, as far as you are alive reading this message, that trial is turning to a testimony. You might be managing today but as the Lord lives. You will not remain like that forever. The things that you see are temporal, but the things you do not see are eternal. You are blessed, even though you can't see the blessing, know that it is coming.

What then is the converter that converts mistakes to miracles? This converter is the love of God. Romans 8 vs. 28, and we know that all things works together for GOOD to them that love God. It is only when you love God that God turns that action you mistakenly took to a miracle. Due to carelessness you lost your job, but don't worry just keep loving God because another one is on the way. Infact a better one is on the way.

I have made mistakes in the past, you have also made mistakes, regrets will not change anything but your love for God will make you rejoice at the end. People might be laughing at you now but keep your love for God alive and you will laugh last. Who laughs last laugh best.1st Corinthians 2 vs. 9 says, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, it has not even entered into the heart of man what God has promised to do for those that love Him. Love is the only requirement that changes any circumstance. Do you really love God?

It is the love of God that can make someone that started late to be the latest. Abraham started late, at 75 He was still staying in His fathers House, there was no evidence of progress, that was a mistake, but Abraham was a lover of God and He became the father of nations. Paul was a persecutor of Christians but because of His love for God he became the greatest apostle in bible days. He wrote two third of the New Testament. What made daniel,david,samuel,shedrach,Meshach,Abednego and Job, it was love. David was a man after Gods heart because loved God. He prays three times a day and praises God seven times. Psalms 119 vs. 164.Daniel disobeyed the king's order of not praying to His God. He did not only prayed He opened His window to be seen, he loved God crazy, no wonder when He was thrown into the den of lions He was not touched. He was rather promoted. Friends the love of God can turn an obstacle to a miracle. Job was a lover of God, he said in chapter 13 vs. 15 of job that even though God slays Him He will still trust Him.

Do you really love God? if you really love God you will love His word, you will keep His commandment and you will love His house(church).

I pray for you today, that the love of God will start burning afresh in your heart from today. No matter what you have done just love God and you will begin to smile. You are exempted from the present Economic storm in Jesus name. Because you love JESUS, the storm not withstanding you will smile. Be blessed and remain at the top.

Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS


Lord Jesus, help me to impact a billion soul positively with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  BBM PIN IS

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