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Started by Gloria Girl, 2019-08-06 12:14

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Gloria Girl


"You're the creator of your own destiny. Whatever is happening in your life right now you created it, whether good or bad. Stop blaming people for your life.  One of the biggest problems in most people lives is, they don't accept that they are the cause of whatever is happening in their lives... the easiest way to solve your life's problems is to know that you are the cause of your failure and the creator of your own destiny. Once you know that you're the cause of your failure, you begin to start finding solutions and taking responsibility for it but if you don't know you're the cause, you will continue to blame parents, circumstances and government for your failure until you're  swallowed up in penury.

"Don't allow anybody to tell you it's not your fault,  it's your parents...if your parents had sent you to school you would have been somebody in life; or it's not your fault, it's because of your condition, in fact, if that your uncle or auntie had helped you, you would have not been here today; or it's the government,  if the government had provided you a job since you finished school, you would have become a millionaire. Tell them NO! Tell them you know the cause, that the cause is nobody but you. It's only when you know you have a problem that you can find solution to it but if you don't know that you have a problem, you can't find solution to it. The worst form of destiny killer is 'not to know if you have a problem'. David Abioye said, "The reason that problem came to you is because God has given you the ability to solve it." You're a problem solver not a people blamer." Don't be fooled!

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